Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Productivity Tips for Freelance Professionals

TipTuesday: What are your best productivity tips for freelancers?

One of the things all business owners have in common is the desire to make the most of the time we have available for working. When we optimize our work time, we get even more time to spend as we choose–soaking in the perks of being our own bosses by spending more time doing things we really love to do.

We asked the Upwork Facebook community to share their best productivity tips. Here is a selection of what they had to say.

“Reset the deadline. For example, if the delivery due date is the 1st of a month, reset it in your head as 25th of the previous month. I have always found this helpful.”
Tejas Nair

“Whatever you do, do it with your utmost heart. You will see the difference.”
Umair Ali Sadiq

“My best productivity tips are summed up into three words: clarity, simplicity, focus. Clarity = Be clear about what you’re going to do. Simplicity = Do away with anything that is not essential to your tasks. Focus = Do one thing at a time; keep at it until it’s finished.”
– Diane Aldecoa Dela Cruz

“Take a day off to recharge!”
KingFred D. Villacampa

“When you plan to work, work. When you plan to rest, rest. Don’t rest while working and don’t work while resting. Write down what you need to do/finish tomorrow before you sleep. It will help you condition your body and mind to be motivated the whole day. Be organized. It will save you time and energy. The less stress you have the more productive you’ll be. If you feel you’re not productive enough, pause a moment. Take a nap, play with a child. Sip your coffee. Take a walk. Talk to your mom. Whatever [is best for you].”
– Shinnin ByGrace

“Think before you start something — plan. Be clear. Pre planning makes it easier and faster in a long run.”
Hamza Tasneem

“If you’re having trouble focusing, just sit down and write one word. Then maybe the rest of the sentence. If the whole project looks big, focus on this chapter, this page, this paragraph. No one ran a marathon all at once. Break it into steps, smaller and smaller, and before you know it, you’ll be leaping.”
Emily Rochford

“Work during the night when everyone is sleeping.”
– Muhammad Areesh Ishtiaq

“An early morning workout.”
Hasan “Six Pack” Aftab

What productivity tips can you add to this list? Tell us in the comments! And be sure to check out 5 Ways to Boost Your Home Office Productivity for more ideas.

Editor’s note: Responses edited for grammar, spelling, and clarity. The statements above are those of their authors and do not constitute the views or opinions of Upwork.

The post Productivity Tips for Freelance Professionals appeared first on Upwork Blog.

from Upwork Blog http://ift.tt/2bOnh2E

Monday, August 29, 2016

Perspectives on the Future of Work: August 29

Group of adults collaborating on their next project

Upwork’s biweekly column brings you the latest news on the future of work, including trends, freelancing, and other shifts in the way we work.

This week’s roundup takes a broader look at how businesses get things done:

  • A new study reveals that the most in-demand fields for freelancers aren’t what you might expect.
  • Influenced in part by dynamic founders and mobile workers, the “collaboration economy” is changing the way businesses work together.
  • Underlying all this is the digital transformation that impacts everything from our personal lives to enterprise-level strategy.

Here’s a look at some of the latest headlines.

Health, Education, and Finances: The New Growth Areas for Freelancers (The Globe and Mail)

Growth areas in the freelance economy cover a broad range of expertise, something highlighted in a recent report by FlexJobs. “The most in-demand career fields for freelancers were medical and health, education, project management, computer and IT, and accounting and finance,” Jared Lindzon reported in The Globe and Mail.

He explains that this reflects both economic conditions in different industries and a preference by many professionals to work independently. Demand for certain skill sets outstrips the supply of talent available.

A New Wave of Collaboration Is Changing How Businesses Interact (TechCrunch)

The “collaborative economy” typically refers to interactions between individuals, but in an article for TechCrunch, Xero’s CEO Rod Drury highlights how that spirit is permeating business culture on an increasingly large scale.

“There are a number of factors propelling this new wave of collaboration, many of which are derived from the increasingly transient workforce where founders and staff no longer stay at the same company for life, rather choosing to move between companies and build networks along the way,” he explained.

The aim of working together is to provide a seamless experience for the customer, he explains, putting them at the heart of every decision. However, benefits like better user experience, more specialized products, and lower acquisition costs have a broader positive impact for businesses willing to adopt this new approach.

Our Digital Transformation Is Still a Work in Progress (Forbes)

From remote work opportunities to this new emphasis on businesses working together, much of the way we work has been shaped by ongoing digital transformation that’s changing everything from our personal lives to the look of the C-suite.

But as TalentCulture’s CEO Meghan Biro points out in Forbes, that evolution still has a long way to go. Citing the three ages of digital, she says we’re very much “mid-digital,” where digital has gone mainstream but is still a disjointed experience that’s poised to “get smoother one of these hours.”

What shifts in the future of work have had an impact on you recently? Share your experience in the comments below.

The post Perspectives on the Future of Work: August 29 appeared first on Upwork Blog.

from Upwork Blog http://ift.tt/2c3jOhx

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Oway Stylist Spotlight: Abigail Waldrum

Abigail Waldrum

This month, our Holistic Hair Stylist Spotlight is on Abigail Waldum!

Abigail is a hair stylist at Sepulveda Hair Studio in Deland, FL., and is an active member of our Oway Holistic Hair Stylist Forum on Facebook! She dazzles our community with her beautiful balayage techniques and willingness to help others – and we just love that!

Obviously, we had to get to know Abigail and showcase some of her beautiful work with Oway!

Get to know Abigail!

Oway Hair Stylist

How do you think that hair relates to a person’s confidence?

Hair can drastically change a persons appearance. When you can help someone feel beautiful or attractive you can directly impact their self esteem. I think as stylists we often underestimate the impact we have on our clients.

We touch, we enhance, we nurture and we strengthen. We physically, emotionally and sometimes even spiritually enhance our clients lives.

It is a gift to do what we do. We blend artistry with nurturing. I love it!

Who has been the biggest influence in your career?

Oddly enough, it was probably a therapist I saw years ago who nudged me forward to pursue my passions. I used to be a clinical social worker and was very comfortable in that world.

But something big was missing.

I so admired Vidal Sassoon even as a child. I was enamored by designers and stylists. But I pursued a more traditional education and went on to graduate school and a career. When I finally gave myself permission to be an artist, it’s like the floodgates opened. I have never once looked back or regretted that decision.


What accomplishment are you most proud of?

I am most proud of investing my time and energy into being my authentic self. It has lead me to my career and my passion.

It has lead me to the most beautiful salon I have ever worked at. And it’s lead me to products that are in line with my personal beliefs. I truly believe that like attracts like. I fell into meeting David Sepulveda, the owner of Sepulveda Hair Studio. I have learned so much from him including falling in love with Oway.

It’s so exciting to know you can be successful and holistic in the beauty industry. I did not think that was possible before.

Check out Abigail's work with Oway!

Join Abigail and other like-minded stylists in our Organic Way Holistic Hair Colorist Group here!

from Simply Organic Beauty http://ift.tt/2cbx6ga

Get It: New Add-on Converts JIRA Tickets to Upwork Job Posts

Content Marketing Tips for Busy Business Owners

A pencil, representing successful content marketing, stuck in the bull's eye of a target

Content marketing can be a flexible and effective way to promote a business, but many entrepreneurs find themselves too strapped for time to give it the attention needed to maximize its impact.

Whether you use it to fuel other marketing initiatives, improve your search engine optimization (SEO) results, or share valuable information with your audience, the potential benefits make content marketing worth the effort. Well-crafted content has the power to connect with readers on a deeper level than standard ad copy, and integrating it into your strategy can be easier than you think.

To get the biggest impact from your content and your time, it’s important to embrace efficient design practices and have a cohesive content plan in place.

Start with “The Content Marketer’s Surefire Strategy For Success,” a primer for busy business owners looking for a smart start for their content marketing efforts. Then, review these articles from the Hiring Headquarters—Upwork’s resource for businesses, freelancers, and entrepreneurs—for ideas to help further refine your efforts.

Stay Organized with an Editorial Calendar

Without a structured plan to ensure a steady drip of fresh content, it can be difficult to get the traction and results you’re aiming for. An unclear plan can also bog down the creative process.

The most successful content marketers don’t just wing it and publish articles, blog posts, whitepapers, or multimedia content on a whim. Instead, they spend time crafting and refining a strategic editorial calendar, which allows them to get a better handle on the topics, big-picture scope, and frequency of the content they’re delivering to readers.

7 Ways an Editorial Calendar Can Increase Your Efficiency” explores the value of having an editorial calendar for your content marketing strategy and why a well-executed battle plan can be invaluable for getting the word out about your brand. Here are three of the top reasons you should use an editorial calendar to track, organize, and inform your marketing outreach.

1) It allows you to repurpose your best posts. Having an editorial calendar lets you look back and get at-a-glance info on when a particular piece of content launched while keeping track of how it’s performing over time. This info can be invaluable for highlighting your best performing posts so you can repurpose them into new pieces of content.

2) It helps you diversify your content. Worried that you’re not spreading your post topics out enough? An editorial calendar makes it easy to see what topics you’ve recently covered so you can switch things up for variety. This will help you avoid fatiguing your readers with too much of the same material in a short timeframe.

3) It lets you capture ideas before you forget them. Sitting down to brainstorm and log plans for your next editorial cycle gives you the opportunity to jot down lots of great ideas and track them all in one convenient place. If you come up with new ideas later on, you can always add them to the calendar, too.

Make Your Whitepapers Pop with Smart Design

When it comes to different types of content, whitepapers are an effective way to deliver industry insights while weaving in your brand messaging.

Due to their long-form nature, these meatier tools in your content marketing arsenal also have more potential to rank highly in Google searches. This makes them a popular choice for many companies that want to supplement their short-form blog posts and cross-link across multiple content channels.

Make Your Whitepaper Stand Out: Write with Design in Mind” offers useful tips to help optimize the flow of your writing and design for the biggest impact. The article has a range of recommendations to help you enhance the quality of your whitepapers, including these tidbits:

1) Brevity is your friend. Throwing walls of text into your whitepapers is a sure-fire way to lose your reader’s interest. By keeping your whitepaper content scaled toward the more concise end of the spectrum, you won’t risk overloading people with information.

2) Make good use of images and design visuals. The layout of your whitepaper is just as important as the content it contains. Using imagery, pops of color, and visual design elements to break up the text can make them more engaging and readable.

3) You don’t have to include the kitchen sink. Taking the less-is-more approach to your whitepaper content can help make it more digestible. Instead of cramming in every detail, for example, use direct links to point readers to other pieces of high-value—and high-converting—content on your site.

Looking for more insights to enhance the effectiveness of your content marketing plan? The Hiring Headquarters is packed with helpful articles.

The post Content Marketing Tips for Busy Business Owners appeared first on Upwork Blog.

from Upwork Blog http://ift.tt/2bJ4hol

Monday, August 22, 2016

Upwork Newswire: Which Internet of Things-Related Skills are in High Demand?

Business man using smart phone and watch

This biweekly column features the latest freelancing trends and Upwork’s role within them.

IoT Journal| Minding the Gap: Three IoT Skills Your Business Needs Today

Much has been made of how the Internet of Things (IoT) is transforming entire industries, from retail to medicine to marketing. As Ryan Johnson, Upwork’s categories director, explains, it’s changing the job market as well.

Although 43 percent of organizations plan to implement IoT products or strategies this year, analyst firm Gartner reported that nearly as many said a lack of workers with the necessary skills is hindering their efforts to do so.

“As the future becomes ‘now’ for the Internet of Things, there will be a ripple effect in terms of infrastructure, data, and security that will translate to new roles and skills in the marketplace.”

Workers with expertise in these areas in particular are in high demand:

1) NoSQL and cloud computing. Flexible NoSQL databases are key to integrating the wealth of incoming IoT data into back-end infrastructures. Likewise, to provide ample processing power for the data, organizations need to use cloud-based server providers and processing engines—and therefore need to bring on professionals experienced in working with these often-complex providers.

2) IT infrastructure and network security. The demands of real-time data on networks require IT infrastructures to be redesigned for greater flexibility. At the same time, IoT presents new security and privacy challenges.

3) 3D design and electrical engineering. Because IoT is evolving so rapidly, 3D designers are needed to quickly prototype new and improved devices, from pacemakers to thermostats. And electrical engineering pros are required to help build and integrate the microcontrollers, sensors, and related components of these smart devices.

To learn more about the types of skills becoming more in-demand due to IoT, read the full article here.

The post Upwork Newswire: Which Internet of Things-Related Skills are in High Demand? appeared first on Upwork Blog.

from Upwork Blog http://ift.tt/2bbQ9R6

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Building a Luxury Log Home vs a Custom Log Home

When you start planning and designing your custom log home you are likely to turn to some luxury log home designs and plans for inspiration, but what is the difference between a luxury log home compared to a custom-built log home?

Luxury Log Home

A luxury custom log home is a one of a kind home. A luxury log home tends to not only be a custom design, but every element from the flooring, bathroom faucets and showers to the bedroom closet and kitchen sink are built specifically for this one and only home.
When building a luxury log home you can expect to have a very large budget due to the quality and customization required for each detail in the home. The cost per square foot is significantly higher due to the fact that you are ordering premium products and are unable to order items in bulk. The time frame to complete the project can also be much longer as you have to wait for each item to be built specifically for the project.

Large staircase entrance that spits into two stair cases at top

If you plan to build a luxury log home you will want to ensure you have the financing to do so. Some financial institutions can make lending a bit difficult because in some cases the value of a luxury log home can depreciate faster then custom built or standard homes.

Custom Log Home

If you don’t have the pocket book to ensure every element of your log home is luxury designed just for you, then a custom log home may be better suited for your needs. A custom log home can give you the benefit of both worlds, designing a home that is custom to you and your family’s needs, while saving some money in the process.

Rivard Front Deck in final stages of construction

At Artisan, all of our log homes are custom designed to meet your needs. You can look at current designs and plans to get ideas and inspiration but we will always customize the final plans with the details needed to make your home your own. Even if you find a design that is exactly what you want there are always little customizations due to climate, location or species of wood. No two custom log homes are identical. When it comes to materials and amenities feel free to go for the cheapest, middle or top of the line on the things that matter to you.

We all dream of having a luxury log home but for most of us having a custom built log home that we can call our own is really all that we are looking for.

If you would like to explore some of our custom log home plans and log home galleries you can check them out here.

If you would like to know more or have any questions about custom log homes. Please feel free to visit our Log Home 101 section or contact us at info@artisanlog.com.

from Artisan Custom Log Homes http://ift.tt/2bBKyXb

5 Air Purifying Plants To Detoxify Your Salon

If the idea of an eye-catching new salon plant didn’t grab your attention, just wait until you hear the detoxifying benefits of these indoor air purifying plants! For a plant to make our list, it must meet the following requirements:

  • Hard to Kill
  • Eliminate Common Salon Air Pollutants
  • Aesthetically Pleasing Salon Decoration

In case you are wondering which airborne chemicals decrease salon air quality the most, we made this handy chart for you below:

5 Most Common Salon Air Toxins
Formaldehyde Permanent Straightening Treatments, Keratin Treatments, Nail Polish, Nail Polish Hardeners Known Human Carcinogen
Ammonia Hair Color, Perm Systems, Window Cleaners, Floor Waxes Corrosive, damages cells upon breathing, swallowing or skin contact, Respiratory Irritant
Benzene Hair Colors, Plastics, Pesticides, Detergents, Synthetic Fibers Known Human Carcinogen, especially Leukemia
Trichloroethylene Hair Extensions Glue, Lace Wig Glue Long term exposure causes liver, kidney and skin damage


Best Indoor Air Purifying Plants for the Salon



Peace Lily

Eye-catching and easy-to-care for, Peace Lily’s would look beautiful in a salon of any size. Their elegant white spathes and low maintenance care routine, make them an all-around all-star plant to have on display at the salon.

Removes: formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, benzene and ammonia.
Care Tips: Low light or medium, indirect sunlight – soil: evenly moist; water weekly

Aloe Vera

This healing succulent has multiple uses in the salon. It removes formaldehyde and benzene from the air, but it’s soothing gel can come in handy when you get the occasional hot tool burn. Tip: Our tribe of holistic hair stylists love to mix freshly cut aloe into fruit water for an extra kick of Vitamin E, or on clients with sensitive scalps!

Removes: formaldehyde, benzene
Care Tips: Loves sunlight, allow soil to dry between waterings

English Ivy


These mesmerizing, vine-like plants can make a striking statement in any organic salon. Not only does it remove benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene, it removes airborne mold and feces. Yes, feces. So, don’t be afraid to put English Ivy in your salon restroom.

Removes: benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, mold, feces
Care Tips: moist, even soil – water weekly, thrive in bright to low light




If you prefer a pop of brightly colored blooms for the salon, look no further than azaleas! This evergreen plant can thrive in salon without direct sunlight and even eliminates formaldehyde from the air. However, you’ll want to opt for greenhouse azaleas, as they’ll be able to survive indoors.

Removes: formaldehyde
Care Tips: prefers moist, even soil, humidity, cooler temps



Weeping Fig

The Weeping Fig requires a bit more tender love and attention, but it’s intricately twisted trunk makes a beautiful statement in the salon.

Removes: Benzene, formaldehyde, ammonia

Care Tips: bright light, allow soil to dry between waterings, sensitive to temp changes

from Simply Organic Beauty http://ift.tt/2aZpjkf

Data Security and You: How To Keep Your Vital Info Safe

Unidentified participants holding shields in a defensive formation during a representation of a medieval battle


With high-profile breaches regularly grabbing headlines, the risk of getting hacked is a prime concern among individuals and businesses alike—and not without reason. Reports are not only that hacking attacks are on the rise, but also that they increasingly target small businesses who often lack the security measures larger enterprises have put in place.

For a company of any size, the impact of a security breach can cause catastrophic damage to important infrastructure, negatively affect public image, and even affect customers directly. Whether your business is concerned about the security of your data, or you’re a freelance IT pro keeping your clients’ most critical systems out of harm’s way, it pays to be proactive.

These articles from the Hiring Headquarters—Upwork’s resource for businesses, freelancers, and entrepreneurs—will help you learn more about how you can avoid info security nightmares.

Encryption 101

Unless you have protections in place, the sensitive data you store or transmit online is vulnerable to being accessed or stolen. Encryption is one of many important tools at your disposal to help prevent hackers from using your info if they intercept it.

To use a simple analogy, imagine you’re getting ready to leave your house to go on a trip. You wouldn’t leave the front door unlocked so anybody could walk in and steal your belongings, right? Data encryption is the lock that helps block access to your info. It then takes a specific key to access it, which makes encryption a necessary part of your defense system.

Encryption Basics: How It Works & Why You Need It” offers a look at what the encryption process entails and how it can best be implemented to ensure hackers can’t read your data. Using helpful examples and easy-to-digest images, the piece also covers different types of data encryption and explains how proper key management is critical to the entire system.

Covering All the Security Bases

To help prevent the worst possible data breaches effectively, it’s worth understanding the nuances of each major link in your business’s overall security chain.

Since many businesses rely on a mixture of services, ranging from apps and the cloud to basic networking and Internet access, an all-encompassing strategy is the best approach.

Inside IT Security: How to Protect Your Network from Every Angle” is an in-depth guide to the many moving pieces of data security and how they fit together. Focusing on five core branches—network security, endpoint security, Internet security, cloud security, and application security—the article offers examples of types of attack threats, common weaknesses, and suggestions for how to improve your defenses across the board.

Here are several important components of a well-defended operation:

  • Encryption protocols – Using high level encryption, both while your data is in transit or at rest, will ensure the only people who can read your files are the ones who have the key.
  • Security engineering – Building your systems infrastructure from the ground up with security in mind is one of the best ways to maximize data safety.
  • Firewalls and honeypots – Firewalls are a must for blocking unwanted access to your network, while honeypots can lure hackers to decoy systems that don’t hold your vital info.

Building a Solid Data Security Team

The protection of your business’s data isn’t something to take lightly, which is why it’s helpful to know what qualities and proficiencies to look for in data security specialists. With the right team of IT professionals on your side, you can improve the safety of your operation’s core data and systems.

Data Security: The Top 10 Skills You Need on Your Team” looks at how the evolution of the Internet and emerging technologies of the future have impacted the skill sets needed to keep up with the latest wave of hackers and malware. The piece explains 10 of the most important skills you’ll need on your team to keep your environment secure and deal with any intrusion attempts.

Here are three of the many valuable skills to look for:

  • Penetration testing – The ability to probe your system and networks internally is a powerful technique for uncovering and fixing security deficiencies before they’re discovered and exploited by hackers.
  • Vulnerability analysis – Taking a 360 degree view of your entire system and identifying potential danger spots is a key part of shoring up your cyber defenses.
  • Breach response – If attacks do occur, having a detailed response plan at the ready to resolve the situation as fast as possible will minimize downtime and triage the potential damage.

Want to learn more about improving your security in the rapidly evolving Internet age? Check out Upwork’s latest post on the Hiring Headquarters: “Pro Tips for an Effective Encryption Strategy” >>

The post Data Security and You: How To Keep Your Vital Info Safe appeared first on Upwork Blog.

from Upwork Blog http://ift.tt/2bg0Hm7

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Step-By-Step: How To Do A Smooth Rituals Keratin Treatment

For those with frizzy, hard to manage hair, keratin smoothing treatments can be the ultimate remedy.

However, for some smoothing products, those results came at price none of us can afford – our health. In this step-by-step, we show you can create smooth, frizz free hair that lasts 3-4 months with our Smooth Rituals Keratin Treatment! Smooth Rituals doesn’t contain common keratin treatment toxins like formaldehyde, methylene glycol, parabens or animal testing.

Step 1: Hair Preparation


Cleanse the hair TWICE with the Clarity Pre-­Treatment Shampoo. This will help to remove any residue and soften the hair’s cuticle for better absorption of the Smooth Rituals Keratin Treatment.

Step 2: Rough Dry


Rough dry the hair to 75-­80% so that the water will not displace the keratin treatment, but the hair is still left slightly damp. This is best accomplished with a blow dryer. After the rough dry, you will be able to see where the hair appears most unruly and frizzy.

Step 3: Section Hair


Divide the head into 4 sections. This will ensure ease of product application.

Step 4: Keratin Treatment Application


Keratin Treatment Application Method Types

Spray Bottle Technique (recommended): 

Using the spray nozzle sent with the Smooth Rituals Treatment or one that has a fine mist and not a stream, spray the product with a downward motion. Then, working in small, thin sections continue with the application and comb through the hair.

Bowl and Brush Application:

Start by weighing out 1 to 1 1⁄2 oz of the Smooth Rituals Keratin Treatment into a bowl. If needed, add more product in 1⁄2 oz increments to avoid any waste. Remember you MUST discard any unused treatment with this method.

Tip: Wear gloves during the application so that the treatment is absorbed by the hair and not your hands to ensure there is no waste of the product.


The Application

Begin treatment application where the hair appears most unmanageable, frizzy, and/or coarse. The sub­-sections should be about the 1/16” thick (similar to the width of a credit card). Apply the Smooth Rituals Keratin Treatment using your preferred method choice from above.

Use a fine tooth tail comb to pass through the hair to ensure coverage.

There should be very little to no excess product or residue coming off onto the comb. Continue to comb through the hair until little to no residue remains on the comb as you work through each section.

Step 3: Keratin Treatment Application


Keratin Treatment Application Method Types

Spray Bottle Technique (recommended): 

Using the spray nozzle sent with the Smooth Rituals Treatment or one that has a fine mist and not a stream, spray the product with a downward motion. Then, working in small, thin sections continue with the application and comb through the hair.

Bowl and Brush Application:

Start by weighing out 1 to 1 1⁄2 oz of the Smooth Rituals Keratin Treatment into a bowl. If needed, add more product in 1⁄2 oz increments to avoid any waste. Remember you MUST discard any unused treatment with this method.

Tip: Wear gloves during the application so that the treatment is absorbed by the hair and not your hands to ensure there is no waste of the product.

from Simply Organic Beauty http://ift.tt/2botLFD

Staying Sharp: How to Keep Your Skills up to Date in a Fast-Paced, Online World

#TipTuesday: What are your tips for keeping your skills up to date?

Technology is evolving at lightening speed and is forever changing the way the world works. For those of us who have made working online a way of life, it can be a struggle to stay up to date on the latest trends and skills.

Continuous learning is a must.

How can you ensure you stay sharp and relevant? We asked the Upwork Facebook Community how they keep their skills current and the response was outstanding. Here is just a sample of the amazing advice they had to offer.

“I think reading ebooks and info online (including articles, surveys, and anything interesting) is a very useful way to keep up to date with your profession’s demands. You can learn new techniques or changes within your area of expertise (for instance, new conventions or standards) and become a cutting-edge freelancer. And if you want to go further, I think online courses and lessons, or even webinars and blogs, are even better choices. These allow for deeper communication with other professionals who have a lot to teach. These are, in my opinion, good ways to improve your skills and stay up to date, and almost every freelancer can do this, no matter his/her profession.”
Ramiro Yaben

“Each project taken up on Upwork is a learning experience in itself. Interact with both clients, and other freelancers if you are working with a team, to learn from their experiences. Browse jobs that are related to your skills as many will mention additional requirements. If you are not aware of them, then look for online courses in MOOC sites like Coursera, Udemy, edX, etc. and enroll for the courses. There are many sites which provide useful articles, tips, and knowledge banks on various topics which can be found by a simple Google search. A combination of all of these elements will help in updating one’s skills, which will in turn help provide better service to clients as freelancers.”
– Shrinidhi Hasyagar

“If you don’t learn something new in a day, that’s day is wasted.”
Ali Asif

“Just put yourself in difficult positions and find the way to escape from them. It is the best way to learn new things.”
– Kuljeet Babber

“I search videos and tutorials on YouTube, check other people’s work on Google, and search and read articles related to my field and projects.”
– Vajahatenvar Alquraish

“Get out of your comfort zone and try new things. Every experience, good or bad, is a priceless lesson.”
Efren Paguirigan Gatan

“For keeping my skills up to date, I am subscribed to various online learning schools about freelancing skills. With writing, I read about other writers that I look up to, to comprehend their style and how they deliver their articles. I enhance my vocabulary by using the new words I learn from reading and listening. I blog about food and I learn new words and dishes from YouTube vloggers and chefs that I’m subscribed too. This way I get to know about the trending topics and can upgrade my skills as a cook and writer. I join food events, attend writing workshops online, and socialize with other bloggers as well. As for my virtual assistant job, I work with an amazing client who motivates me to polish my skills in social media, communication, and hone my leadership qualities. I’m still a work in progress and eager to learn more.”
Hazel Ramos

“Never say ‘No’ to new things. Always accept challenges, for these will nurture and enhance your skills. Don’t limit yourself. Make sure you’re enjoying your work so that you may ASK FOR MORE!”
Sah Mabalay

“To keep your skills up to date:

  • Keep on working and encourage yourself to learn new stuff.
  • Use the Internet to learn from the experts (Google, LinkedIn, and Lynda.com are my favorite sources).
  • Subscribe to sources that can help you better hone your skills (I wanted to improve my leadership skills so I subscribed to a lot of team leading groups, both on LinkedIn and anything I found on Google).
  • Read books from authors that are experts in your field (I bought lots of Napoleon Hill, Dale Carnegie, and J. Maxwell who are great in leadership).
  • Keep track! Write it down and follow your progress.”

Klarissa Castillo

“There are several means (both offline and online) to keep yourself updated in your field. Join local small business organizations that conduct regular meetings or workshops. Join trade shows, seminars, and conferences to give you new insights that are useful to your venture. Meet people from your network. These people include your customers and affiliates—and sometimes your competitors. It’s alright to keep good relationships with the other players in the field. You can learn a few tricks from them. Like and follow online pages, related blogs, Facebook, Twitter groups, etc.”
-Marwat Ismail

What do you do to keep your skills up to date? Tell us in the comments!

Editor’s note: Responses edited for grammar, spelling, and clarity. The statements above are those of their authors and do not constitute the views or opinions of Upwork.

The post Staying Sharp: How to Keep Your Skills up to Date in a Fast-Paced, Online World appeared first on Upwork Blog.

from Upwork Blog http://ift.tt/2bx8ZXU

Monday, August 15, 2016

Perspectives on the Future of Work: August 15

Photo of a desk and city view in tones of white.

Upwork’s weekly column brings you the latest news on hiring and working with freelancers, freelancing, and the future of work.

Forbes | 7 Steps To Scaling Your Freelance Business

Freelance professionals look after every aspect of their business: Finding and interacting with clients, keeping the backend of their business in order, networking, professional development—and doing the work.

This hands-on passion for what you do is what helps your business thrive. It’s also very difficult to scale.

Entrepreneur and writer Abdullahi Muhammed says there’s a process to follow if you plan to grow your business. To start, he says, you need to understand your brand. “What makes what you’re doing stand out?” He asked. “Why should they choose you over others doing similar work?”

Then, to rev up the number of opportunities coming your way, he recommends branching out—and doing so on a regular basis. “You want to constantly be looking for new ways to find clients and get your business in front of a wider audience,” he said.

Muhammed explains why growing your networking, finding other people to help with business admin, and creating systems to automate and simplify your business processes are all part of a successful and sustainable business.

Business Insider | How to Drastically Simplify Your Workflow and Get More Done

If you’re ready to consider a new way to get things done, writer Aaron Orendorff makes a case for simplifying the way you work.

“With so many conveniences at our digital fingertips, life should be getting easier,” he said. “And yet, if we’re honest, our workflows are anything but simple.”

How can you adopt a more minimalist approach? Orendorff suggests a four-step strategy:

  • Be clear and focused on your vision—know exactly what you want
  • Watch for roadblocks, what Orendorff describes as “friction”
  • Set a regular routine for yourself
  • Walk away from new ideas that can distract you from your vision

“Simplicity is a battle,” he admitted. “But following these four steps will give you a fighting chance.”

HBR | How to Use Stress to Your Advantage

Feeling stressed out about all the things you need to do to streamline your business and prime it for growth?

Business author and advisor Susan David says you should embrace that stress and turn it to your advantage. “In my work on ‘emotional agility,’ I’ve found the attempting to get rid of stress can actually make you MORE stressed.”

Instead, she points out that stress is an evolutionary response that helps us “run faster, jump higher, see better, and think quicker.”

To harness your stress for good, David recommends trying a few techniques:

  • Change the way you think about stress. “Thinking of your stress as a built-in pump-up mechanism, one that prepares you for challenging situations, can help you move forward rather than get bogged down.”
  • “Unhook” yourself from the idea that you’re stressed. “When we identify strongly with an emotion, it can become our definition of self, a terrifying reality that we must face every day.”
  • Figure out why you feel stress and analyze how you respond to it.

Relieving stress isn’t easy, David says, so instead find ways to change the way you process it and respond to the world.

What changes have you noticed in the way we get things done? Tell us about them in the comments below!

The post Perspectives on the Future of Work: August 15 appeared first on Upwork Blog.

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Thursday, August 11, 2016

3 Ways to Boost Your Small Business Marketing Efforts

Vintage wooden door open sign and handle

Ensuring your business stands out in a competitive industry requires a smart, well-thought-out marketing strategy. Whether you have a huge marketing budget or prefer to take a more DIY approach, there are a lot of ways to tailor your strategy to suit the scale and style of your business.

With so many different approaches to consider, marketing is rarely a one-size-fits-all solution. At the core of any good battle plan, however, you’ll find common themes that make sense for any type of business.

These articles from the Hiring Headquarters—Upwork’s resource for businesses, freelancers, and entrepreneurs—deliver useful strategies to help enhance your company’s marketing across the board.

Maximize Media Traction, Even on a Tight Budget

Traditional marketing efforts have the potential to get expensive in a hurry, but there are also many strategies to use tried-and-true tactics without putting a major strain on your budget.

If you can get attention from the right people, it’s possible to get reach and exposure without digging deep into your bank account. Landing coverage in a national publication or media outlet that has an extensive online presence, for example, can give your business tremendous reach.

Driving Major Media Exposure on a Limited Budget” explains the approach one digital marketing agency took to help client-branded content get traction on social media and major sites like The Huffington Post—all while using cost-effective strategies.

This case study explains what worked during the campaign, and includes the steps the team took to get the positive end result. It underscores the impact that national press, bolstered by a strong social media push, can have on raising your brand’s visibility.

Here are a few additional takeaways from this social-driven marketing experiment.

A great idea is king. Clever content that’s entertaining and shareable can significantly boost the spread of any marketing messages you attach to it. If you make something that resonates with your audience, they’ll be more inclined to share it with others.

Use captivating imagery. A funny image or other piece of visually captivating artwork can enhance your message and help push it toward going viral. Photos, illustrations, and gifs can be more digestible than large blocks of text.

Don’t skimp on social media. Social sharing drives visibility, which is why getting good coverage in a national outlet isn’t always enough. Finding inventive ways to get people to share your content, and pushing it out through your company’s own social media channels, can give your content added traction.

Build Positive Social Proof

Generating positive social proof for your brand and learning how to harness its power can be one of the most effective ways to boost your company’s marketing mojo. Clients and customers want to know how others have benefited from your goods and services, and the opinions of past clients matter to them. User reviews are one of the main ways people gauge whether past customers were satisfied.

The Secret Recipe for Getting 5-Star Reviews” details why positive customer reviews can be a boon to your business and how to maximize your chances of consistently getting five-star reviews from customers and clients. The article outlines several key ingredients to help you get great user reviews and keep customer satisfaction on track.

Deliver a phenomenal experience. Beyond the quality of your product or service itself, consider what you can do to help your customers feel special. Keeping them satisfied is one thing, but wowing them with a five-star-worthy experience is even more powerful.

Set goals and aim to hit them. Rather than trying to get all of your reviews at once, it’s better to aim for long-term goals and encourage people to share their feedback and results on a regular basis.

Incentivize success. To keep your team members motivated and on track when it comes to keeping customers happy, a little extra incentive can go a long way toward inspiring greatness.

Recognize When You Need Experienced Help

The DIY route is a great way to personalize your marketing efforts, but not everyone has the skills, time, or patience needed to get the job done right. That’s when a team of outside experts can be a game changer.

For busy entrepreneurs, time can be a more precious commodity than money. Leaving your marketing to the pros might be just the thing you need to free up your attention to tackle other business-critical challenges.

The Benefits and How-tos of Hiring a Virtual Marketing Agency” outlines why using a remote team of marketing specialists can be such a boon for your business and offers tips to help you make this important decision.

For example, turning to a team of pros can give you more innovative minds to throw at any problems that arise. It can also expand the types of skills at your disposal, and minimize the level of onboarding needed to get new team members up-to-speed. The piece also gives a handful of recommendations to help make the shift to using a virtual marketing agency a smooth one.

If you’re looking for more marketing insights and tips to help grow your brand online, the marketing section in the Hiring Headquarters has tons of articles to help you level-up your business.

The post 3 Ways to Boost Your Small Business Marketing Efforts appeared first on Upwork Blog.

from Upwork Blog http://ift.tt/2aOTA2l

Monday, August 8, 2016

Upwork Newswire: How CIOs Can Protect Themselves from the “Uberization” of Workers

Businessman Standing While Holding an Umbrella

This bi-weekly column features the latest freelancing trends and Upwork’s role within them.

How CIOs Can Protect Themselves from the “Uberization” of Workers (WSJ)

The writing’s emblazoned on the wall: chief information officers can’t hide from hiring freelance workers. They’re caught in a perfect storm of retiring Baby Boomers, shifting Millennials, and a widening skills gap in key areas like cloud infrastructure, big data and mobile apps.

Now, CIOs are caught between embracing this new workforce and competing against it.

90 percent of workers who complete one gig say they’ll never go back to working a full time job.

But CIOs shouldn’t jump to hiring freelancers without protecting themselves from risk. Concerns include unknown long-term ramifications of using this new workforce and IP protection.

Learn more about the risks and rewards by viewing the full article here >

The post Upwork Newswire: How CIOs Can Protect Themselves from the “Uberization” of Workers appeared first on Upwork Blog.

from Upwork Blog http://ift.tt/2aF9JVX

Friday, August 5, 2016

Building a Log Home: Contract Types

Advantages and disadvantages of the two most common types of log home builder contracts.

Financing the cost of your log home can be a stressful process for some, but it doesn’t have to be. When entering into a contract with your log home builder there are typically two types of contracts they offer: Cost Plus Contracts and Fixed Rate Contracts.

Cost Plus (Cost+) Contracts

Also known as build plus contracts, cost plus contracts are a great option if you aren’t building on a tight budget and deadline but want to have some flexibility as you build. These contracts start off with a basic design and log shell price. As you start to build and construct your log home, materials and other add-ons are chosen and added to the budget. Your builder can likely provide you with a very rough estimated cost for the overall project but without identifying the exact materials it’s likely that you will exceed your original budget.


If you don’t know exactly what type of flooring, cabinets or amenities you want to have in the home and you’re not ready to make those decisions at the design phase, a cost plus contract is a good fit for you. You can confirm material and amenities as the project moves along, giving more flexibility to the entire project. We also find that clients who prefer higher end finishing’s prefer cost plus contracts so they can budget accordingly and ensure the custom work aligns perfectly.


A proposed budget is often in place but majority of the time you will see project overruns because clients tend to upgrade more often and make last minute changes that can cause revisions to already completed work. Secondly, because materials can’t be purchased at the beginning of the project you may run the risk of having items being slightly more expensive at the time you need to purchase them. Just like any project, when changes occur, timelines need to be adjusted and can extend the project completion dates.

Fixed Rate Contracts

If you are one of those types of people that like to know all of the details, costs and timelines of a project before you start then you will want to have a fixed rate contract. Before the building of your log home starts you will have a detailed budget and timeline for the overall project. It is extremely important that you know what is included in your budget and what isn’t and we also recommend reviewing all of the subcontractor quotes so that you don’t have any surprises.


If you have a set budget or timeline for your log home to be completed, fixed rate contracts are more likely to stay on time and on budget. If you have a simple design or know exactly what you are looking for you may even notice some cost savings since your log home builders will already know all of the details for the project before they start so materials can be purchased in bulk or they can identify the best time of year to buy specific materials.


All of your building and finishing material have to be chosen before the projects start to allow for the project to stay on time and budget. Making all of these decisions at the start of the project can be overwhelming so make sure you talk to your designer, log home builder and other trades to have them answer any questions or concerns you have. If you realize after the fact that you do need to make a change you likely can still do it but it may affect the overall project cost and deadline.

To sum it up, if you have a tight budget, timeframe and know what you’re looking for, a flat rate contract may be best for you. If you aren’t exactly sure what you want all of your finishing’s to look like and are still considering additional add-ons but don’t have a tight budget or deadline ,cost plus may be the best option for you. Regardless of the type of contract you enter into with your log home builder make sure you ask a ton of questions, review all of the quotes, budgets and arrange to have weekly or monthly budget update meetings with your general contractor to ensure there are no last minute surprises.

Have a question or want to learn more? Contact Artisan Log Homes at info@artisanlog.com and we’d be happy to help you out

Related Articles 

from Artisan Custom Log Homes http://ift.tt/2aAFTUv

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Scaling Your Business with the Hybrid Cloud

Cloud computing concept. A group of servers floating on real clouds.

The cloud is one of the more impactful innovations to catch fire as of late, and it’s spurring companies to move key aspects of their core business operations online. But while cloud technologies and models gain momentum—Gartner predicts the public cloud service market will reach $204 billion this year—many companies are also using internal, on-site private clouds.

Private clouds can be an effective option for companies in highly regulated industries or those with strict workflow needs. However, these solutions lack the flexibility and scalability of the public cloud, and you need to have the resources to keep them running smoothly and securely.

There is a third option that bridges that gap: the hybrid cloud. Hybrid cloud solutions are becoming increasingly commonplace, allowing businesses of all sizes to take advantage of the cloud’s flexibility and scalability without sacrificing performance or security. These articles from the Hiring Headquarters—Upwork’s resource for businesses, freelancers, and entrepreneurs—offer a great introduction to help you get started.

What Is the Hybrid Cloud and What’s All the Buzz About?

The hybrid cloud allows you to move data between an external public cloud and your own internal private infrastructure while keeping sensitive data separate and secure.

Hybrid Cloud: A Brief Intro” serves as an excellent primer that goes into greater detail about what the hybrid cloud is, how it works, and the resources you need to put it in place. It also highlights special considerations for moving to a hybrid cloud setup—as well as several examples of how it’s used in different industries.

Here are three key reasons to consider moving to a hybrid cloud model.

1) Stability – Having the ability to interface between public and private cloud services ensures your most vital operations and functions can always remain accessible for your on-site operations.

2) Flexibility – Businesses whose products and services change frequently benefit from the scalability and flexible nature of the hybrid cloud. It can free companies up to try new things without having to overhaul their existing infrastructure.

3) Security – A hybrid cloud lets you tap into the advantages of public cloud services while keeping critical data secure in your private cloud.

Putting the Hybrid Cloud to Use

Data storage is a major challenge for many businesses, especially e-commerce sites and visual effects studios who run data-heavy operations; their needs can shift wildly from month-to-month and season-to-season.

Cloud bursting—on-demand rental of virtual storage and processing power—has the potential to solve this challenge, though this advanced hybrid cloud application presents its own challenges.

Cloud bursting lets businesses quickly ramp up their existing private cloud infrastructure by tapping into extra resources from the external public cloud on an as-needed basis. This cuts down on the need for additional infrastructure and ongoing maintenance when you only need the boost for a limited period of time.

Is Cloud Bursting Right for You?” explains how the process works and offers behind-the-curtain insights into whether it’s something you can put into play for your company. It identifies several challenges that businesses can potentially face, and suggests a range of resources that can help with planning and implementing cloud bursting.

Additionally, the article outlines useful team roles to have in place to ease you through the process and ensure a smooth transition to the cloud.

Want to learn more? The Hiring Headquarters has additional tips, expert articles, and resources to help you navigate the world of online business.

The post Scaling Your Business with the Hybrid Cloud appeared first on Upwork Blog.

from Upwork Blog http://ift.tt/2ay0oFj

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Is There A Real Estate Bubble In Vancouver?




The Media Has Talked About It For Months

Is There A Vancouver Real Estate Bubble?

What Are The Economic Factors Behind It?

Why Have The Prices Gone Up So Much?


There are a number of factors that speak to where the Vancouver Real Estate Market is going.  Some say it’s overpriced, some say it’s unsustainable, some say there’s a bubble.  

Here are a few key points I’d like to point out:

  • Late 2014/Early 2015, Government CANCELLED the Immigration Investment Program which basically allowed foreigners to come to Canada, give the government $800,000 as an interest free loan, wait a few years, and then they’d get their Permanent Residency status along with the money back
    • The RESULT:  initial panic by those NOT in the real estate industry, but many experts in the real estate industry said that this wasn’t going to affect the market a whole lot as it targeted the extremely wealthy foreigners and that it may slow down the market for the extremely high end homes in the $5M plus range.  Currency was still good, in the end, it didn’t affect the market.
  • My Understanding of the China Market:  when China’s economy is doing well, people go abroad and buy real estate property in Canada, US and Australia, when China’s economy IS NOT doing well, they do the same thing.  

The post Is There A Real Estate Bubble In Vancouver? appeared first on Gary Wong Realty Vancouver, BC.

from Gary Wong Realty Vancouver, BC http://ift.tt/2aRq10b

What Freelancers Look for in an Upwork Project Description

#TipTuesday: What are the most important items a client should include in their job post?

You’ve decided your business can benefit from the skills of a talented freelancer. That’s great news! Finding the right freelancer for your project doesn’t have to be a long and complicated process. With just a little proactive effort, you can have your needs met on time, on budget, and to the high standard you’re looking for.

We asked Upwork’s Facebook Community to tell us the most important things they look for in a job description. The resounding response was that job descriptions should be detailed, define expectations and deadlines, and include a realistic and clearly stated budget.

Here is a sample of what some of our freelancers said:

“1) The company’s industry 2) Time zone 3) Detailed task description and attachment of examples 4) Beginning date and deadline of project, or if it will be ongoing.”
Roselly Monegro

“Details of the work, allocated rate, a clear photo of the client in their profile, and a verified payment method.”
Hazel Ramos

“[I look for a] complete job description, company background, detailed description of products and services and client expectations.”
— Eyom Ragay

“[Clients should include] their preferred rate. This way, freelancers can immediately decide whether to apply or not. This would help freelancers be more strategic in spending their connects.”
— Jaíme Alejándro Salvatóre

The more details you include, the more information freelancers will have to work with when submitting their project proposals. This not only helps them be more strategic with their Connects, it also helps you, the client, receive proposals from freelancers who are best suited for the work. It is a time saver for both parties and will put you well on your way to a great hiring experience!

For more useful tips on how to make your freelance hiring experience the best it can be, see

Editor’s note: Responses edited for grammar, spelling, and clarity. The statements above are those of their authors and do not constitute the views or opinions of Upwork.

The post What Freelancers Look for in an Upwork Project Description appeared first on Upwork Blog.

from Upwork Blog http://ift.tt/2aMqALK

Monday, August 1, 2016

Perspectives on the Future of Work: August 1

Man in a suit working on his laptop outside

Upwork’s biweekly column brings you the latest news on hiring and working with freelancers, freelancing, and the future of work.

FreelancerFaqs | Is Comparison Sabotaging Your Freelance Writing Business?

Learning from online colleagues and fellow freelancers can be a useful tool for improving your own professional world, but comparing yourself to others in your field can also be de-motivating or even damaging to your own business, warns freelancer Taylor Gordon, who says she’s struggled with this herself in the past.

“You give yourself an unfair disadvantage when comparing your skillset to someone who’s been in the game far longer than you. Comparing a fine-tuned business against the bootstrapping stages of your own is an uneven playing field,” she said.

Many new freelancers and creative professionals occasionally struggle with imposter syndrome and feelings of inadequacy in a competitive landscape. Gordon suggests taking a moment to consider the uniqueness you bring to the table.

“No two business owners are alike. Even if you start freelancing the exact day and minute another writer does, you both bring unique experiences, expertise, connections, personality traits, and skills to your work that simply can’t be compared.”

To avoid self-sabotage through unfair comparison, Gordon suggests you find motivation in the successes of others, develop camaraderie with your peers, and if all else-fails, double down focus on growing your own business.

Forbes | 7 Strategies For A Better Work-Life Balance in the Freelance Economy

As an entrepreneur in charge of shaping your own business, it can be easy to inadvertently tip the scale in the wrong direction when it comes to setting limits between work and personal time. This is amplified when your professional well-being relies on your ability to secure a steady inflow of income each month.

Forbes writer Larry Alton offers useful tips to help you decide where to draw the line and how to avoid hitting the wall as a freelancer, including:

Be willing to cut loose difficult clients. While there can be good reasons for sticking it out when things get rough, Alton says it’s important to recognize nightmare clients and muster the courage to “fire” them when necessary—before they drain too much of your time and energy.

Beware the “blur.” Consider making a more concerted effort to separate work time from personal time. This can include everything from setting strict business hours to using a dedicated space in your house for work only.

Unplug and step away. Most people have a smartphone within reach at all times, which makes the prospect of checking work email or messaging clients a tempting habit for those who find it difficult to stop working. Alton recommends occasional mini-breaks from ALL devices.

Fast Company | The Importance of Making Time to Manage Time

Anyone with a strong entrepreneurial streak can find themselves so busy and overwhelmed by the numerous facets of their business that they forget to carve out time to make sure all their priorities get the time they need.

This is exactly what happened to Marcus Whitney, reports Fast Company writer David Zax, and it threatened to consume him. “When you become an entrepreneur, the need for your time feels like it grows exponentially,” said Whitney, echoing a sentiment that’s common among freelancers and other self-employed professionals.

It wasn’t until Whitney decided to regularly set aside time to organize and manage his schedule that the disparate pieces of his life—his business, children, and partner—began to fall back into order, writes Zax. This simple commitment, it turns out, was the key to unlocking and unraveling his scheduling crisis, and has become an important part of his regular routine.

What changes have you noticed in the way we work? Tell us about them in the comments below!

The post Perspectives on the Future of Work: August 1 appeared first on Upwork Blog.

from Upwork Blog http://ift.tt/2aoKc39