Thursday, March 31, 2016

Deciding if a log home is right for you!

To build or not to build…that is the question. Is building a custom log home something you’ve been considering? Whether you build or buy, your home will be one of the biggest investments you will make, so you want to ensure that your home is right for you. We are not going to pretend and say that a custom log and timber home is perfect for everyone, because it isn’t. Here are some things to consider:

Types of Log and Timber Homes

Firstly, it’s important to understand that log homes have come a long way from the old rustic four-wall cabin tucked away in the woods. There are many different styles of log homes. The three main styles are full scribe, timber frame, and post and beam. Many of today’s designs combine elements from each  style to create a new style known as a hybrid. If you don’t like the look and style of an entire home made of wood, post and beam and timber frame are great alternatives.

Read the full article here, difference between full scribe, timber frame and post and beam homes.

Owning Property

Like any custom home you will need to purchase land in order to build. Generally, you will want to build on property—preferably a more rural setting, and not in an established neighbourhood. A log home may look out of place amongst traditional homes. We aren’t saying that a log home can’t look great next to a more traditional house because they are custom built log homes that can be tailored to suit any neighbourhood. Also, if you have a small lot it may create some challenges when bringing in cranes and other equipment required to build your home in already developed areas.

Cost to Build

The cost of a custom log and timber home can vary in price depending on size, location, species of timber and special features. On average you can expect to pay 20-30% more than traditional custom homes but the upside is it will be worth 30-40% more at time of resale. If you have a tight budget and limitations there are other options to consider when you are building such as considering a hybrid, prefab or kit home. But, if you are planning a long term home with character and an appeal that will stand the test of time, a log home could be for you.

For a full breakdown on cost check out our article How Much Do Log Homes Cost?

Maintaining Your Home

There is no doubt about it, homes require maintenance and a log home is no different. If you have exterior logs they will need to be checked for rot and cracks that may occur over time. The south- and north-facing exterior walls require different treatment with preservatives and within the first few years settling occurs and the windows and doors need to be checked for drafts. Log homes can withstand anything Mother Nature throws at them and will stay strong and secure if you maintain them. If you ignore maintenance your home will continue to stand, but it will definitely look weathered so upkeep is important for the health of the logs.

For more information on log home maintenance check our article on Protecting Your Home from Dry rot.

To sum it all up, if you are looking for a home with character and unique appeal unlike the traditional box homes that you can find in any neighbourhood, a log and timber home may be the perfect home for you.



The post Deciding if a log home is right for you! appeared first on Artisan Custom Log Homes.

from Artisan Custom Log Homes

The Rules of Ruling Yourself

The motivation to work hard every day doesn’t come easy. In Under Armour’s recent #RuleYourself campaign, we highlight how elite athletes like Michael Phelps and USA Gymnastics dedicate every moment to get better.

That’s why we’re asking you to share the rules you live by to stay motivated. In fact, physically writing down your goal increases your chance of reaching it by 80%. And in a world where half an inch can make a difference, 80% is a huge advantage.

1 (1) 2 (1) 3 (1)

What are the “rules” you live by? What keeps you motivated in the dark, so you can stand in the light? Write it down and share it with us. Tag @underarmour and use #RuleYourself in your post and you could be featured in our next documentary.

Check out the rules that athletes all over the world have already shared:

1 (2) 2 (2) 4 (2)

Share your own rule with us and put the work in today that will make you better tomorrow. #RuleYourself.

The post The Rules of Ruling Yourself appeared first on Hello Healthy.

from Hello Healthy

Track Your Progress From A New Starting Weight

starting weight feature image transparent

If there’s one thing we know at MyFitnessPal, it’s how motivating it is for our users to see all of their healthy habits reflected on the scale. It’s so important to be able to accurately track progress when you’re working towards a health goal. Whether your goal is to lose, gain or maintain, it feels great to see your weight moving in the right direction.

That’s why we’re happy to share that you can now make changes to your Starting Weight!

Let’s back things up. What’s a Starting Weight?

When you signed up for MyFitnessPal, we asked you for your current weight. We call that your Starting Weight since it’s the weight you were at when you first started using MyFitnessPal. Anytime you see us referencing how much weight you’ve gained/lost, we’re using your Starting Weight to calculate that number.

Until now, you weren’t able to easily change your Starting Weight.


If your current Starting Weight is still a good benchmark for the beginning of your health journey, then you’re good to go without making any changes. But if not being able to update your Starting Weight is a giant pet peeve, you’re in luck.

Let’s take a look at a few reasons you may want to consider changing your Starting Weight:

  • You took a break from MyFitnessPal and now you’re back. If you haven’t used MyFitnessPal in a while, and your weight has gone significantly up/down, you might find it helpful to update your Starting Weight and measure your progress from there. Sometimes, a fresh start calls for a fresh Starting Weight.
  • You entered the wrong weight when you signed-up. Hey, it happens. Maybe you weren’t near a scale so you just took a wild guess at your weight. And that guess was wrong.
  • You had a baby. Congratulations! We’ve heard from a lot of new moms that they’d like to adjust their Starting Weight following a pregnancy.
  • Your Starting Weight no longer makes sense. Maybe you began using MyFitnessPal to lose weight but then gained a little. Or vice versa. You need a way to hit the reset button and now you have one.

No matter what your reason is, you now have the flexibility to change your Starting Weight anytime you’d like. Do it now. Do it later. Do it never. It’s totally up to you!

Changing Your Starting Weight Is Easy

To change your Starting Weight, open the Goals screen. Tap Starting Weight at the top of the screen. Simply enter a new weight and choose a date for that weight. Voila! Your Starting Weight has been updated.

set starting weight iOS

set starting weight Android

Don’t worry; we don’t delete any weight entries you made before your new Starting Weight. You’ll still be able to see all of your previous weights on the Progress screen.

Which brings us to…

Check Out Your Progress

You now have the option to display any weight entries you’ve made “Since Your Starting Weight” on the Progress Screen.

updating progress iOS

Updating Progress - Android

And that’s not all…

Remember, anytime you see us referencing how much weight you’ve gained/lost, we’re using your Starting Weight to calculate that number. When you update your Starting Weight, we do an automatic overhaul of the entire app to make sure your weight loss/gain is accurate. This includes the weight change you see on your profile, weight ticker, newsfeed updates, and more.

iOS and Android and Web, Oh My!

You can enjoy this feature on iOS, Android and Web.

Get more details on updating your Starting Weight on the MyFitnessPal website.

This feature is rolling out slowly, so don’t worry if you don’t see it in the app yet.

The post Track Your Progress From A New Starting Weight appeared first on Hello Healthy.

from Hello Healthy

Spaghetti Squash & Beef Bake

Roman Beef Spaghetti Squash Bake

Spaghetti squash is a great low-carb and gluten-free alternative to any classic pasta dish. Ready in less than an hour, Clean Eating’s one-pan beef and spaghetti squash bake is a hot, savory meal the entire family will enjoy. Refrigerate or freeze preportioned leftovers for easy meals.

Clean Eating AcademyClean Eating is not a diet; it’s a lifestyle approach to food. Our magazine features delicious, healthy recipes and weight-loss meal plans that highlight real foods and natural ingredients. Lose weight with the Clean Eating Academy, and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest for daily inspiration.

The post Spaghetti Squash & Beef Bake appeared first on Hello Healthy.

from Hello Healthy

How to Conquer Your Fear of Failing at Weight Loss

Fresh ripe garden blueberries in a wicker bowl on dark rustic wooden table. with copy space for your text

You know what you need to do to drop those extra pounds and be healthier. You need to wake up a little earlier. Walk a little bit more. Eat a few more servings of vegetables, and skip a few glasses of wine. You need to decide to do it, right? You need to set that alarm (and actually get out of bed when it goes off). Buy those green beans. Ask for club soda.

But what’s stopping you? What are you afraid will happen?

In 1979, economists Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky discovered how important fear—or at least, the fear of possible loss versus the hope of possible gains—was to human behavior. They did a series of experiments that were published under the title “Prospect Theory.” This theory describes the way people choose between alternatives that involve risk. The reality: We’re irrational about loss—but predictably irrational.

Take this thought experiment: Bet on a coin toss. If you win, you win $150. If you lose, you lose $100. The probability of either outcome is 50/50, but the potential gain is 50% higher than the potential loss. Do you take the bet?

Traditional economics predicts that 50% of people would take that bet. Kahneman and Tversky found that the overwhelming majority of people would not take that bet.

And this holds up with just about everything involving risk. As Dan Ariely describes in his book “Predictably Irrational,” “People hate losing much more than they enjoy winning.” About twice as much, in fact. In order for 50% of people to take the coin-toss bet, the researchers had to increase the payout to $200.

What does this mean for your weight-loss journey?

When I was in school for health psychology, I had to learn the right kinds of questions to ask my clients, and my supervisor gave me a clear heuristic to fall back on: Follow the fear.

At first, this seemed extreme. I mean, we’re talking about helping people with some pretty benign stuff. But every time I followed my supervisor’s advice, my client had a little epiphany. Then another. Then another. Most of what was holding people back was not rational. Of course, we all know we need to eat less and move more. But that’s not enough to get us moving. Because it’s too rational. It’s just the hope of gain. We need to weigh that against the very real, often unspoken fear that what we’re doing might not work.

So, to do that, I use my priority grid:

coach stevo print

Coach Stevo Priority Grid4

There are no wrong answers or minimum scores. In fact, the scores don’t even matter. I don’t even add them up. The only thing that matters to me in this initial assessment is that you take the time to think about and prioritize your answers. What matters is not the answers, but the thought that goes into them.

Most of what holds us back from getting the things we want is not that we don’t want them enough, but that we’re afraid that trying might not be worth it. So take the time to think about what you’re willing to risk, and ask yourself, “What’s the worst that could happen?”

The post How to Conquer Your Fear of Failing at Weight Loss appeared first on Hello Healthy.

from Hello Healthy

Scaling Your Business With Global Freelance Talent

Scaling Your Business With Global Freelance Talent

When it’s time to expand your business in new directions and build on the momentum you’ve created, taking a big-picture approach to talent is a smart alternative to traditional routes. For many companies, tapping into a pool of global freelance talent unlocks access to the best talent and allows them to grow in a scalable, cost-effective way.

Wondering why more businesses are enhancing their on-site teams with virtual talent? These recent articles from The Hiring Headquarters—Upwork’s resource for entrepreneurs, executives, and freelancers—showcases the benefits of working with freelancers on a larger scale and highlight how innovative companies use remote teams to drive growth.

Benefits of Scaling with a Freelance Management System

If you run a small business that needs specialized talent to tackle a unique one-off project, hiring an individual freelancer from a pool of remote candidates can bring the right partner to the table in a fast, efficient way.

But what if you work for a larger company and need to scale rapidly with a team of remote professionals to meet the demands of the project at hand? “How to Create an Effective Talent Pipeline” explores how an enterprise-level Freelance Management System (FMS) can expand your operation on a much broader scale than traditional ways of finding freelancers.

Executives from Instapage and Zendesk share how their companies have found value in this approach. Among the other advantages of using a FMS to scale, here are several top perks they cite.

  • Direct access to a larger talent pool. Flexibility and options are invaluable when you’re eager to leverage the brightest talent for your company. Access to a global pool of freelancers gives you a lot of choice, and it’s easy to contact them directly before you make any decisions.
  • A verified work history for all candidates. When promising candidates float to the top of the pile, getting a look at their previous experience on Upwork takes a few clicks. It’s also easy to see client reviews and specific skillsets.
  • It speeds up the process exponentially. Traditional ways to find great freelancers—like word of mouth—can be sluggish and uncertain, and don’t always connect you with the right people. AFMS can cut down on wait time and give you better access to help you make decisions quickly.

Innovative Ways to Amplify Your Business with a Remote Team

Building a strong network of contingent specialists can provide invaluable support to your company’s permanent staff, but the way you focus your freelance team members can add even more value to the mix. If you’re looking to generate new revenue streams and growth for your company, creatively scaling upward and outward with freelancers can help give you a jump on the competition.

5 Clever Ways Companies Drive Sales and Growth with Virtual Teams” deep dives into case studies of a handful of companies that have found success by leveraging large virtual teams to overcome challenges in their businesses. Each example provides interesting tips and insights you can apply to enhance your own brand’s upward trajectory.

Here’s a quick look at three strategies highlighted in these customer stories.

  • Create new services to upsell to existing customers. When you have a strong customer base that you understand well, it’s possible to engage freelance experts to create entirely new product offerings tailored to meet the needs of your existing users. One company created a new add-on service it cross-marketed to its client base, and it quickly turned into a popular source of additional ongoing revenue.
  • Capitalize on customer trends. Another tech company saw an immediate customer need among its clientele and scaled rapidly to create a solution geared to provide maximum value. Bringing freelancers in to augment an existing team allowed another company to meet its specific customer demands on a tight turnaround at a fraction of the cost and time of creating a new in-house department.
  • Solve your own problems. Rather than leaving it up to the competition, a third innovative company identified a deficiency in its existing services and chose to take fast action by absorbing the expense to create a value-added service to address a problem for specific customers. Bringing in quality freelancers with the right expertise allowed them to solve a customer problem they couldn’t otherwise have easily tackled.

Looking for more insights into scaling your business with top freelance talent? You’ll find many more articles over at the Hiring Headquarters.

The post Scaling Your Business With Global Freelance Talent appeared first on Upwork Blog.

from Upwork Blog

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Organic Hair Color: 5 Things You Should Know


What is Organic Hair Color?

In the professional beauty industry, the term “organic hair color” refers to hair color made with organic botanicals and less chemicals. Organic, in this sense, is the same definition we use for our organic food standards:

Botanicals grown without the use of pesticides.

Does 100% Organic Hair Color Exist?

No. At this time, professional organic hair color must contain a certain percentage of synthetic ingredients to work consistently and effectively. But that doesn’t mean you can’t find a color line that uses the maximum amount of organic ingredients and the least amount of toxic chemicals.

Note: The only completely natural hair color is certain brands of henna. However, using henna on the hair isn’t always suitable for grey coverage and metallic salts can cause the hair to feel dry and damaged over time.

Does Organic Hair Color Work?


Recall, no professional organic hair color brand is 100% natural. Any organic hair color product will contain a certain amount of chemicals necessary to perform. When searching for an organic hair color company what you need to ask about is percentages.

Specifically, what is their percentage of:

  • Pigments (PPDs, PTDS, etc)
  • pH Adjuster (Ethanolamine, etc)
  • Organic Ingredients (meaning botanicals only)!
  • Natural Ingredients
  • Naturally Derived Ingredients

Once you’ve determined the percentages of these components, you’ll be able to better decide which brand is the most “organic.”

Is Ammonia Considered an Organic Ingredient?

The best professional organic hair color brands have removed ammonia from their formulas. Why? As a gaseous substance, it’s been proven to cause respiratory issues, breathing challenges and allergies. Plus, most clients will agree: not having to smell ammonia is a much more pleasant experience.

To be clear: ammonia is a chemical organic compound. Not an organic botanical ingredient.

In chemistry terms, an organic compound means one thing: its molecules contain carbon. That’s it. It doesn’t speak to the safety or natural aspects of the ingredient. So, the next time someone says “ammonia is organic, it comes from the Earth” know this:

Ammonia is one of the most widely produced chemicals in the world. Ammonia found in hair color is not extracted from the soil or our bodies, it’s produced in a lab and has zero natural components.

What About Professional Ammonia Free Hair Color?

Not all ammonia-free hair color brands are created equal.

Simply choosing an ammonia-free hair color doesn’t ensure your clients hair will be healthier or that they won’t have an adverse reaction. While most ammonia-free hair colors won’t have the fume-like aroma of ammoniated hair color, they can still do more damage than necessary to the hair.

Here’s why:

Most brands use Ethanolamine (MEA) to replace ammonia, but they don’t consider the percentages of this ingredient. Both Ethanolamine and ammonia’s role in hair color is to raise the pH of the hair so the color molecules can penetrate.

When you use too much of either ingredient, the pH of the hair is drastically altered and the cuticle will have difficulty re-closing – even with a good conditioner. When the cuticle is unable to close, shine does not reflect off the scales because they’re disheveled and open, instead of tightly packed down.

Also, hair color will fade faster because of the cuticle’s inability to close and lock in molecules.

What’s the Best Professional Ammonia Free Hair Color?

You’ll want to choose an ammonia-free hair color line that uses their pH adjuster in minimal amounts. You’ll also want to choose a brand that ensures all Ethanolamine (MEA) is removed from the hair.

For example, Oway’s Hsystem is an award-winning ammonia-free, professional “organic hair color” line with service products that ensure all product is removed, while keeping the working pH of the color much lower than your typical ammonia-free hair color brand.

To learn more about how Oway uses green chemistry and the maximum amount of organic ingredients possible go here.

Need advice on choosing a professional hair color with organic ingredients? Simply Organic Beauty has been consulting salons and stylists for over 15 years on cleaner, non-toxic products. Give us a call, we’re happy to help: 888-213-4744

from Simply Organic Beauty

Potato Crusted Quiche

Potato Crusted Quiche

Crispy shredded potatoes, reminiscent of hash browns, encase the outer edges of 24 Carrot Life’s satisfyingly low-carb and veggie-packed quiche. For an extra protein boost, throw in your favorite meat — like slices of chicken, ham or bacon. This hassle-free recipe uses only one skillet so that you can spend less time washing dishes and more time with friends and family!

24-carrot-life-headshotKatie is the author of 24 Carrot Life, a (mostly) healthy food blog with quick and simple recipes that show you can live a decadent food lifestyle while still keeping things simple, healthy, and based on whole foods. She works full-time at a non-profit and is based in Philadelphia, PA. For more from Katie, follow her on Facebook,  Twitter and Pinterest.

Photo courtesy of Katie Oberwager. Original recipe can be found on 24 Carrot Life.

The post Potato Crusted Quiche appeared first on Hello Healthy.

from Hello Healthy

Upwork Enterprise Gives Freelancers Access to Top Clients

6 Foods That Fight Inflammation

fried egg on the pan, close-up shot

The key to reducing persistent inflammation that causes chronic diseases (Think: Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, Alzheimer’s, cancer) may not be hiding in the medicine cabinet but in the refrigerator! Inflammation occurs when our immune systems attack a foreign substance in the body, such as invading microbes or chemicals. This is the good kind that acts as a protector.

The bad kind of inflammation results not from invaders but from lifestyle decisions like a poor diet or smoking. Studies suggest that antioxidant-rich foods like berries, leafy greens, certain spices, nuts and seeds can help combat the inflammatory disease process and actually prevent illness. Let’s get cooking!

1. Blueberries
The potent blue pigment in the berries we all know and love is due to a class of antioxidants known as anthocyanins, which are celebrated for their anti-inflammatory powers. Studies suggest that eating blueberries not only limits oxidative stress but also boosts anti-inflammatory cytokines and immune cells whose role is to fight harmful pathogens. And — get this — freezing blueberries doesn’t decrease their antioxidant capacity. That’s good news for us smoothie addicts!

Peak season: Summer but available year-round.

Storage tip: Refrigerate berries for up to 10 days, and wash right before eating to reduce spoilage.

Dietitian’s tip: Add fresh blueberries to salads, yogurt or oatmeal. Use frozen berries for quick morning smoothies!

2. Avocados
Low in saturated fat and high in monounsaturated fat, avocados are nature’s near-perfect anti-inflammatory fruit. Besides being low in sugar and high in fiber, the potassium and lutein content in avocados may help lower blood pressure and control oxidative and inflammatory stress. Score!

Peak season: Available year-round.

Storage tip: Let avocados ripen at room temperature on the counter. Store in fridge for up to a week once ripe.

Dietitian’s tip: Spread avocado on toast instead of butter, or mix into tuna as a mayo substitute. Add slices to sandwiches, salads and egg dishes. The possibilities are endless!

3. Kale
Kale is a superfood high in vitamins A and C, known antioxidants that help mitigate the body’s inflammatory process. Plus, it’s a great source of vitamin K, which plays a key role in bone health and blood clotting. One cup of this nutritional powerhouse provides 1,180%, 98% and 71% of your daily values for vitamins K, A and C, respectively!

Peak season: Midsummer through December but available year-round.

Storage tip: Store in the crisper. It’ll last up to a week in a plastic bag in the fridge but will lose nutrients as it sits.

Dietitian’s tip: Add a handful of kale leaves (strip them from the stems) to your next smoothie for a nutrient punch. For a simple savory snack, lightly toss kale leaves with olive oil and sea salt. Roast in the oven at 350°F for about 15 minutes. Voilà: crispy kale chips!

4. Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate has long been known as a great source of anti-inflammatory flavonoids. Studies suggest that regular consumption of dark chocolate is associated with reduced levels of C-reactive protein, a substance produced by the liver in response to inflammation. Cheers to enjoying some chocolate!

Dietitian’s tip: Raw chocolate contains bioflavonoids that help boost mood as well as theobromine, an active compound that may improve blood flow. Cacao is also great source of fiber, magnesium and iron. Look for dark chocolate with a cacao content of at least 70%.

5. Ginger
Ginger root contains functional compounds known as gingerols, shogaol and paradols that reduce the formation of free radicals and prevent the formation of pro-inflammatory cytokines. This anti-inflammatory response may not only ease muscle pain after intense exercise but may also help treat diseases and conditions ranging from osteoarthritis to cancer.

Peak season: Late winter and early spring but available year-round.

Storage tip: Store whole, unpeeled ginger in the crisper in a sealed bag. It also freezes well.

Dietitian’s tip: Ginger is famous for easing nausea and indigestion. Sip on ginger tea for tummy troubles. Add fresh grated ginger to a stir-fry, veggie burgers or salad dressing.

6. Nuts and Seeds
Nuts and seeds are incredibly rich in anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids. They’re also loaded with vitamin E, which aids in lubricating the joints and protecting the body from pro-inflammatory cytokines. Fun fact: Hulled hemp seeds beat out flax and chia in the protein and omega-3 departments and are also much lower in carbohydrates. Since frequent consumption leads to lower levels of inflammatory markers, eating more nuts and seeds is an excellent way to reduce risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Storage tip: Store nuts and seeds in a cool, dry place. To extend shelf life, store in the refrigerator or freezer.

Dietitian’s tip: Add heart-healthy nuts and seeds (like pepitas, hemp seeds, chia seeds, walnuts or almonds) to cereal, oatmeal and salad for crunch and a dose of healthy fats, protein and fiber. Next time you’re baking, try stirring together 1 tablespoon ground flaxseed with 3 tablespoons water for a vegan egg substitute.

The post 6 Foods That Fight Inflammation appeared first on Hello Healthy.

from Hello Healthy

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The 1 Thing You Need to Be Active and Healthy as You Age

fried egg on the pan, close-up shot

Would you believe me if I told you that strength training is the most important type of exercise you can do for better health? This may be hard to believe because most of the general population believes that you need to jog, run or do some sort of cardio to be lean, fit and healthy.

I’m a former high school and collegiate track and cross-country runner, so I love running as much as the next guy. But as I’ve gotten older, I’ve seen firsthand the importance of being strong. If you are a runner or cardio junky, I’m not telling you to stop those activities. You just need to incorporate strength into your routine so you are balanced.

To build a healthier body, you need a strong foundation that can withstand the aging process. Let’s be honest here: The end of life isn’t pretty for most of us. Health-care costs can triple or quadruple, pill boxes with the days of the week on them become our best friends, walkers are a necessity, and often we need help with simple tasks as we become ill or face a disease. Sounds like a real hoot.

Most of us like to live life on our own terms and if you want to continue doing so, I suggest that you pick up some weights. I’m in no way saying strength training can cure all. But just take a second and picture yourself as an 80-year-old. It sure would be nice to be able to carry your groceries, play with the grandkids, stand up straight and get out of a chair without needing to use the armrest to stand up. These are just the simple tasks in life; now imagine that you cannot do these simple movements because you aren’t strong enough. That image doesn’t make you feel good, does it? Struggling with these everyday tasks in old age doesn’t have to be a reality.

Exercise smarter. Feel better. Live longer. with UA HealthBox

As we age, there are a number of physiological functions that decline; this increases your risk of developing osteoporosis, arthritis, type 2 diabetes and sarcopenia (loss of muscle mass). Strength training 2–3 days a week can help prepare you to fight these effects of aging.

It’s never too late to create new habits. Strength training for many people isn’t as fun as walking, spin class, yoga or playing sports. But it’s hard to deny the short- and long-term benefits of hitting the weights, including:

  • Increased bone density
  • Stronger ligaments and tendons

But the goodness doesn’t stop there. Muscle allows us to continue to be active, functional and healthy. It’s critical for activity, and movement is critical to our happiness.

Stay on top of the latest in fitness technology.

The best way to build strength is by doing compound exercises, which recruit multiple joints through a full range of motion and engage the most muscle mass. Squats, shoulder presses and deadlifts are my three favorite compound exercises. These are functional moves that are easy to learn and can be done with dumbbells or barbells. You are in no way limited to just these three exercises or to dumbbells and barbells; these are just my preferred methods to build strength. The TRX suspension system, kettlebells and body-weight exercises like chin-ups and push-ups are other effective ways to train.

If I still haven’t convinced you that you need to strength train, take a trip to the local nursing home. Sit and watch the people there move, and you’ll see firsthand what the majority of these folks lack: strength. Train now for a healthier, more active future.

The post The 1 Thing You Need to Be Active and Healthy as You Age appeared first on Hello Healthy.

from Hello Healthy

10 Leftover Rotisserie Chicken Meals For Busy Weeknights

10 Rotisserie Chicken Meals

Picking up a rotisserie chicken on our way home from work is a convenient and budget-friendly way to simplify home cooking. If you find yourself with leftover chicken the next day you’re halfway there to another homemade meal. Whether you’re using it as a taco filling, salad topping or simply as an ingredient, cooked chicken means dishing up a meal in minutes. Serve something satisfying tonight with these ten delicious ways to use up leftover rotisserie chicken.

1. Cheesy Firecracker Baked Chicken Taquitos | With Salt and Wit
This crowd-pleasing recipe is a tasty (and healthier!) alternative to the store-bought crispy fried taquitos. Mini whole-wheat tortillas are stuffed with gooey cheese, black beans, corn, chicken, and peppers before they’re baked and topped with an easy homemade ranch guacamole. Garnish with fresh cilantro. Recipe makes 10 servings at 1 taquito each.

Nutrition (per serving):  Calories: 212; Total Fat: 8g; Saturated Fat: 2g; Monounsaturated Fat: 1g; Cholesterol: 32mg; Sodium: 648mg; Carbohydrate: 24g; Dietary Fiber: 5g; Sugar: 4g; Protein: 13g

2. Caprese Wraps with Chicken| Cooking Light
Toss refreshing tomato and basil with mozzarella and chicken for a quick and easy wrap your family will enjoy. You can add extra flair to this weeknight meal by substituting balsamic vinegar for white wine vinegar. Toss in chopped cucumbers or bell peppers for more crunch. Recipe makes 4 servings at 1 wrap each.

Nutrition (per serving):  Calories: 328; Total Fat: 16g; Saturated Fat: 5g; Monounsaturated Fat: 6g; Cholesterol: 61mg; Sodium: 573mg; Carbohydrate: 22g; Dietary Fiber: 10g;  Sugar: 4g; Protein: 30g

3. High-Protein Chicken Salad | MyFitnessPal’s Original Recipes
Tangy, sweet and savory, this simple chicken salad features creamy Greek yogurt, sweet grapes and crisp apples for a balanced meal that’ll keep you full for hours. Serve on toasted 100% whole-grain bread. Or, tuck this protein-packed mixture into a lettuce wrap as a lower carbohydrate option. Recipe makes 6 servings at 3/4 cup chicken salad + 2 slices whole grain bread + 1 lettuce leaf each.

Nutrition (per serving):  Calories: 364; Total Fat: 6g; Saturated Fat: 1g; Monounsaturated Fat: 1g; Cholesterol: 65mg; Sodium: 412mg; Carbohydrate: 44g; Dietary Fiber: 7g; Sugar: 10g; Protein: 34g

4. Easy Chicken and Spinach Lasagna | MyFitnessPal’s Original Recipes
No-boil lasagna noodles and frozen chopped spinach make this scrumptious lasagna a fuss-free meal. Serve it bubbling hot out of the oven with a tossed side salad or roasted veggies. Score bonus points by using whole-grain noodles! Recipe makes 8 servings.

Nutrition (per serving):  Calories: 400; Total Fat: 15g; Saturated Fat: 7g; Monounsaturated Fat: 2g; Cholesterol: 96mg; Sodium: 487mg; Carbohydrate: 29g; Dietary Fiber: 4g; Sugar: 4g; Protein: 36g

5. Hearty Chicken Corn Chowder | MyFitnessPal’s Original Recipes
Whipping up chicken corn chowder from scratch may sound a bit daunting, but don’t fret. This version uses pureed corn in lieu of cream for a lighter take that’s just as rich and comforting as the original version. The best part is that it’ll be on the table in under thirty minutes. Recipe makes 4 servings at 1 3/4 cups each.

Nutrition (per serving):  Calories: 308; Total Fat: 7g; Saturated Fat: 3g; Monounsaturated Fat: 2g; Cholesterol: 71mg; Sodium: 663mg; Carbohydrate: 33g; Dietary Fiber: 5g; Sugar: 6g; Protein: 29g

6. Chicken and Black Bean Tostadas | MyFitnessPal’s Original Recipes
Say hello to a flavor fiesta! Store-bought tostadas are smothered in spicy crema, leftover chicken and fiber-rich black beans for a satisfying dinner that rivals any restaurant meal. Serve with fresh avocado slices and baked tortilla chips. Recipe makes 4 servings at 1 tostada each.

Nutrition (per serving):  Calories: 231; Total Fat: 11g; Saturated Fat: 5g; Monounsaturated Fat: 0g; Cholesterol: 23mg; Sodium: 629mg; Carbohydrate: 30g; Dietary Fiber: 7g; Sugar: 5g; Protein: 22g

7. Greek Style Chicken Wrap | Cooking Light
Have work week lunches packed in no time with these snappy Greek chicken wraps. They’ll hit your taste buds right because they’re bursting with juicy tomatoes, creamy hummus, fresh cucumbers and tangy feta. Pair with a nutritious side like sliced cucumbers with hummus dip. Recipe makes 6 servings at 1 wrap each.

Nutrition (per serving):  Calories: 237; Total Fat: 10g; Saturated Fat: 2g; Monounsaturated Fat: 5g; Cholesterol: 20mg; Sodium: 559mg; Carbohydrate: 27g; Dietary Fiber: 5g; Sugar: 0g; Protein: 12g

8. Easy Chicken Muffins | Ruwi’s Kitchen
Swap out the sweet treats for these unique protein-packed chicken muffins. Snack on one mid-afternoon to ward off those post-lunch hunger pangs. For added nutrition, use whole-grain flour and low-fat buttermilk. Feel free to omit the chili powder if you’re serving kiddos! Recipe makes 14 servings at 1 muffin each.

Nutrition (per serving):  Calories: 193; Total Fat: 10g; Saturated Fat: 5g; Monounsaturated Fat: 2g; Cholesterol: 56mg; Sodium: 189mg; Carbohydrate: 18g; Dietary Fiber: 2g;  Sugar: 2g; Protein: 9g

9. Thai Chicken Salad | The Lean Green Bean
Light, crunchy, and refreshing, this satisfying salad packs a serious flavor and nutritious punch. The longer this salad marinates in the fridge, the better it tastes. Make a batch on Sunday night for flavorful lunches all week long. Garnish with toasted peanuts and fresh lime juice. Nutrition calculated with low-sodium soy sauce. Recipe makes 6 servings.

Nutrition (per serving):  Calories: 232; Total Fat: 8g; Saturated Fat: 2g; Monounsaturated Fat: 3g; Cholesterol: 60mg; Sodium: 311mg; Carbohydrate: 15g; Dietary Fiber: 4g;  Sugar: 8g; Protein: 26g

10. Easy Thirty Minute Kale, White Bean, and Chicken Soup | Averie Cooks
Even beginner cook can whip up a hearty, chunky soup in thirty minutes flat! Low sodium broth helps keep the sodium in check. If you don’t have kale or cabbage on hand, feel free to toss in your favorite green. Garnish with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice. Recipe makes 7 servings at 2 cups each.

Nutrition (per serving):  Calories: 376; Total Fat: 9g; Saturated Fat: g; Monounsaturated Fat: g; Cholesterol: 45mg; Sodium: 454mg; Carbohydrate: 45g; Dietary Fiber: 13g;  Sugar: 4g; Protein: 34g

The post 10 Leftover Rotisserie Chicken Meals For Busy Weeknights appeared first on Hello Healthy.

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5 Unbelievable Uses for Oway Hscreen at the Salon

Ever wish you had an organic, non-toxic hair color barrier cream? How about a simple, inexpensive way to alleviate scalp discomfort for those extra sensitive clients? HScreen is all of those things and more! Check out these 5 unbelievable uses for Oway’s Hscreen below:

Hscreen is an “invisible glove” for hair stylist hands and nails.

hair color barrier cream
Proper hair color applications usually require gloves. However, the constant rubbing of hands against latex or at the shampoo bowl can cause overly dry hands or even dermatitis. Hscreen is the perfect skin and cuticle protectant for hair stylists who don’t want to look like they just murdered a smurf or changed a tire.

Directions: Pump 3-4 drops into hands. Rub together, paying extra attention to the cuticles. Note: Hscreen is easily removed with soap and water and won’t leave the hands feeling sticky or coated.

Hscreen prevents hair color staining on the skin and scalp.

The best way to take the attention off your client’s fabulous color service is for them to walk out with scalp staining. Hscreen’s innovative formula ensures hair color molecules penetrate the hair only. That way, clients never have to leave with unsightly scalp or skin staining.

Directions: Apply directly to the hairline or mix 3-4 drops into a bowl of color to prevent staining on the scalp with darker colors.

Hscreen shields scrapes, small cuts and moles.

Can be applied directly to sensitive or exposed areas of the scalp during any chemical treatment (coloring, lightening, perming, straightening) for extra skin/scalp protection.

Apply directly to sensitive areas on the scalp (sores, rashes, small cuts or abrasions, moles) to create a barrier between the skin and any chemical treatment.

Hscreen can be used for client’s with allergies or sensitivities.

Hscreen’s soothing lavender essential oil mixed with it’s innovative use of polysorbates makes it an ideal option for clients with extreme allergies or sensitivities. Hscreen can be added directly to your color formula for extra protection.

Directions: Add 3-4 drops per bowl of color. Note: It’s always recommended to patch test a sample of Hscreen and color beforehand. View hair color patch test here.

Hscreen can be used to create a clear shine gloss.

For a high shine, clear gloss, Hscreen can be mixed with Hmilk No Stress and Htone (9vol).

Directions: 3/4 Hmilk no stress. 1/4 9 volume. 10-15 pumps of Hscreen. 10-15 minutes processing out, no cap, no heat. Rinse, condition with Hbalance, and style.

Hscreen Key Ingredients

This product is full of 99% natural, organic, and biodynamic ingredients that aid in protecting the skin and improving the hair. Some of those ingredients are:

Perilla Seed Oil
– rich in fatty acids, soothes the scalp, and combats aging and free radicals.

Cottonseed Protein – gives structure to the hair, repairing, nourishing and softening the strands while preventing drying.

Hibiscus Flower Extract – rich in flavonoids, organic acids, carbohydrates, and vitamins. It is a powerful antioxidant and adds shine to hair.

Date Seed Oil – nourishes, improves elasticity, and adds structure to the hair.

Lavender Essential Oil – alleviates inflammation and soothes skin and scalp

from Simply Organic Beauty

14 Snacks to Stash in Your Desk Drawer That’ll Help You Stay on Track


That snack drawer in your desk is pretty much the office MVP. The beauty of desk-ready snacks is Selfthat they can stay safely tucked away and will last for weeks, as compared to that ripe banana you forgot about over the long weekend or the yogurt you neglected to stash in the fridge. Yeah, ew. Luckily, there are plenty of healthy midday munchies that’ll keep you just as satisfied, no refrigeration required.

Keeping healthy snacks within arm’s reach can keep your energy up and your blood sugar stable during an afternoon slump, says Brittany Kohn M.S., R.D. Plus, “If you’re prepared with your own healthy snacks you won’t be tempted by any unhealthy choices available at the office,” she says. Game, set, match, stale donuts and birthday cake in the break room. A solid snack should be less than 200 calories, she adds, and make sure you’re getting plenty of protein and fiber to keep you fueled until your next meal.

Here are 14 healthy options you can enjoy at your desk.

1. Superfood Seeds


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“Seeds are a great source of protein, and [they’re] easy to store, quiet, [and] not messy,” says Kohn. Her faves are pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds.

2. Dried Fruit

dried fruit

via Breakingpic /

This sweet treat is full of fiber. Just be sure to nosh in moderation and avoid options with added sugars. According to The Kitchn, a serving size is about half of what it would be for the whole fruit in its natural state.

3. Nut Butter

peanut butter

Images Studios, Getty Images

Whether you spread it on crackers, a piece of fruit, or just a spoon (hey, no complaints here), nut butters are tasty, versatile desk snacks. You can always opt for individual servings, like almond butter packets, too. Keep in mind the typical two tablespoon serving if you’re just diving in with a spoon.

4. Low-Sodium Jerky


uanmonino, Getty Images

Gone are the days when jerky was reserved for camping. This uber-portable snack is earning serious cred for its major protein boost (just make sure you pick one that’s not loaded with sodium).

5. Air-Popped Popcorn


via DijutalTim /

Make easy air popped popcorn at home by adding 1/4 cup of popcorn kernels to a microwave safe bowl, then covering with a microwave-safe plate and popping it in for two minutes and 45 seconds. According to LifeHacker, this results in way fewer unpopped kernels—plus, you can season with savory or sweet spices to bring to work when it’s done. Try cinnamon, red pepper flakes, cumin, turmeric, dried rosemary…the flavor options are endless so you’ll never get bored. The only thing missing is the movie.

6. Plain Oatmeal Packets


via Dessuil /

Oatmeal isn’t just for breakfast—stash it in your drawer for a hearty snack, too. “Packets of instant, plain oatmeal microwaved with water in a mug and sprinkled with cinnamon is a great cold-weather snack when you want something warm and filling,” says Katherine Younger, R.D. Careful, though—those flavored packages are often loaded with extra sugars.

7. Roasted Seaweed


4kodiak, Getty Images

This savory and crunchy snack is a great alternative to go-to chips or crackers. Find them at a health store, or get gourmet and make them at home with this easy recipe from The New York Times.

8. Raw Nuts


via Unsplash /

“I love raw nuts like almonds or cashews. They deliver a great protein and fat combo,” says Younger. A standard portion is about one ounce, or 1/8 of a cup.

9. Granola


via Stacy Spensley /

A low-sugar granola or cereal is a great dry snack. Or snag some communal milk from the office fridge and pour over your bowl for a satisfying (and chilled) treat. This recipe for a fruit and spice granola is perfect for either.

10. Tuna Pouches


Pjirawat, Getty Images

If you’re chained to your desk for lunch, personal sized tuna packets and cans are a great stand-in snack to help hold you over. They’re filled with protein and healthy omega 3s, says Kohn. She recommends sticking to 150 calories and 300mg of sodium or less, and opt for water-packed tuna (or one that doesn’t need draining at all).

11. Dark Chocolate


via Kaboom Pics /

Hey, nothing wrong with treating yourself at snack time with high-quality squares of dark chocolate. “Cacao is great source of magnesium, which is a natural stress-reliever,” says Kohn. “Pair with peanut butter, nuts, or Greek yogurt for a protein-filled, satisfying snack.” She also suggests eat chocolate with 70 percent cacao or higher.

12. Roasted Chickpeas


nagehanozsezer, Getty Images

You can DIY these crunchy snacks or buy ‘em pre-made, but either way, they’re a great room temp stand-in for your beloved hummus.

13. Real Food Energy Bars

energy bars

SStajic, Getty Images

Nothing wrong with a good old granola bar at snack time—just remember that they’re not all created equal. Tip: Go for bars with ingredients you can see and pronounce. Kohn favors Kind bars and Rx bars, and Younger opts for Larabars.

14. DIY Trail Mix

trail mix

via Cary Bass-Deschenes /

Still can’t decide? A personalized trail mix might be the way to go. Throw in dried fruits, seeds, nuts, coconut flakes, and even dark chocolate chips and portion it out into individual serving sizes. One of these 10 trail mix recipes should do the trick.

—By Alexa Tucker

Feature image: Morsa Images/Getty; via Breakingpic /; nagehanozsezer, Getty Images; via DijutalTim /; Graphic by Jocelyn Runice

The post 14 Snacks to Stash in Your Desk Drawer That’ll Help You Stay on Track appeared first on Hello Healthy.

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Balancing Act: How to Manage Time When You Have Multiple Clients

Balancing Act: How to Manage Time When You Have Multiple Clients

One of the most important aspects of being a successful freelancer is developing your time management skills. These allow you to schedule, work on, and complete numerous projects, with different clients, in different stages of completion, all at the same time—an absolute must if you want to grow your freelance business.

How can you manage your time and stay on track? We asked our Facebook Community for their tips. Here is what they had to say.

“I make use of the Pomodoro method. It helps a lot. Each Pomodoro is a 25-minute cycle followed by a 5-minute break. After the fourth Pomodoro, you take a 15-minute break.”
– Christina Ramas

“I use a task manager, where I have every day’s to-do list separated by project and priority. I recommend Todoist.”
Adriana Chionetti

“I have been struggling with this ever since I tried going to an electronic calendar. This year, I went back to a paper planner with time blocked out for each client, priority to-do lists, and recognition that sometimes I may need to erase or rearrange. I also use a big whiteboard to list my clients at a glance, crossing off jobs as I finish them. These two methods together are working.”
Bonniejean Alford Hinde

“I am a pen and paper person. I like to write things down. So I use a spiral notebook to track all of my to-do’s for the day. I put the client’s name with their own task list and then deadlines. So I record every detail. Same routine for small and big projects, with or without deadlines. Also just be honest, set boundaries with each client, and don’t promise things you can’t deliver.”
Fernmaiden Fuentes

“Start with a table in Word/Doc/Notepad: 1. List all your clients. 2. List the number of articles or words (for me) to be submitted that day PER Client. 3. List the time you hope to spend on it. 4. Strike off each one when complete and add your time.”
Geo Maria George

With a little practice, scheduling to-do’s for multiple projects will become a natural and automatic part of your workday. For more on how to optimize your day, be sure to check out Time Saving Tips for Remote Workers and 5 Ways to Keep Your Day Running Smoothly.

Editor’s note: Responses edited for grammar and spelling. The statements above are those of their authors and do not constitute the views or opinions of Upwork.

How do you manage your time when working with multiple clients? Tell us in the comments!

The post Balancing Act: How to Manage Time When You Have Multiple Clients appeared first on Upwork Blog.

from Upwork Blog

Monday, March 28, 2016

What Type of Spring-Break Athlete Are/Were You?


For eager athletes, the ultimate post-finals beach retreat equates to sun, sand – and, most importantly, ocean-view exercise. While each workout is customized to the warrior, there’s one thing that’s for certain: Each spring breaker has a style all their own — from where they get their sweat on to what they wear while doing it.

So whether you’re in Daytona Beach or just remembering those days fondly, read on to see which spring break athlete type fits you.


SS16_NUhling_151028_NatalieUhling-S01-0274A constant source of calm and relaxation, this spring breaker brings a yoga mat to every sunny destination. It can be found laid out on the balcony, the boardwalk and everywhere in-between.

If you’re a Sun Saluter, you’re known for your: upper arms and traps.

Made-for-You Gear: Loose-fit, wide-sleeve tanks like the Bender (for men) or Muscle (for women)


Lifeguard chairs, boardwalk benches – anything in your line of sight becomes a prop for strength training (and #planking pics). Walking planks. Lateral planks. Side planks. If it’s a core killer, you’re doing it.

If you’re a Plank-ton, you’re known for your: abdominals and obliques.

Made-for-You Gear: Wireless Headphones by JBL


You know you’re a Straight Shooter if … you can’t walk by a court without shooting an imaginary buzzer-beater, no matter where you are. That’s why it’s easy to know what this spring breaker is up to: They’re on the court.

If you’re a Straight Shooter, you’re known for your: upper arms and traps.

Made-for-You Gear: Cushioned footwear such as the MicroG® Torch (for women) or court-fresh Lockdown (for men)


SS16_RL_Jordan_6445_EXTEven though every Sandtrapper knows that beach sand can be finer than chunky golf-course sand, there’s nothing that can stop her or him from bringing a sand wedge to every private-access beach.

If you’re a Sandtrapper, you’re known for your: forearms and lats.

Made-for-You Gear: Shorts like the Match Play Tapered (for men) and 9” Links (for women)


This type of athlete combs the coastline for shells and vistas as they take on long runs. They’re always the first one awake after a long night so they can catch a prebrunch sprint.

If you’re a Beachcomber, you’re known for your: quads and calves.

Made-for-You Gear: CoolSwitch tanks (for women and men)

Embrace your spring break athlete. Use this knowledge to proudly represent your beach workout style and shop for Under Armour gear that encourages you to always keep pushing.

Didn’t see yours on the list? Shout it out in the comments or @MyFitnessPal!

The post What Type of Spring-Break Athlete Are/Were You? appeared first on Hello Healthy.

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