Monday, May 23, 2016

Perspectives on the Future of Work: May 23

A man types on a laptop keyboard

Upwork’s weekly column brings you the latest news on hiring and working with freelancers, freelancing, and the future of work.

Huffington Post | Freelancing Through Our Golden Years

With the uncertainty of Social Security and the cost of living continuing to rise, kicking back after retirement and coasting by comfortably on savings and a solid pension isn’t the sure and steady option it once was. Freelancing, and the part-time flexibility that comes with it, might be the answer many folks of retirement age are looking for, says Baby Boomer and long-time freelancer Jeb Harrison.

“For those of us that need to continue to generate some form of income until we’re physically and/or mentally incapable of doing so, retiring from the eight-to-six office life (by choice or otherwise) may be akin to getting thrown in the ocean without a life preserver,” he wrote, adding it’s a growing predicament that many others will inevitably face in the not-too-distant future.

Harrison’s own answer to “what’s next” for the older generation relies heavily on contract work and part-time freelance projects, which he says offer a happy medium.

Inc. | 6 Secrets of Radical Productivity, From an Entrepreneur Who Runs 4 Businesses

If running one business doesn’t sound complicated enough, imagine running four at the same time and living to tell the tale. Serial entrepreneur Tina Roth Eisenberg manages to pull this off, and Inc. editor Kimberly Weisul digs deep into the successful business owner’s secrets for staying productive amidst all the hustle and bustle.

Among her other recommendations for other like-minded entrepreneurs, Eisenberg shares a few choice nuggets of inspiration.

Hire people who have that same creative spark – “I want to hear about what excites you. I want to hear about projects you’re working on,” she said. “That you had an idea, and you executed on it.”

Be generous with your time – “I actually believe the generosity model pays off in some way. Not always in money, but in connections and opportunities.”

Create the solution instead of complaining about it – All of Eisenberg’s business ideas came about as solutions to irritating problems, she says.

When you say yes, mean it and follow-through – “When I say yes to something, I’m willing to go all the way,” she said. “I am all in and I will not underdeliver.”

Freelancers Union | How to use Psychology to Avoid Clients from Hell

As a freelancer, some clients can be amazing to work with. Others? Not so much. Knowing what to look for when a potential client reaches out with a freelance opportunity can help you sidestep potential disasters, says blogger and entrepreneur Melissa Chu.

The first step in steering clear of time- and energy-wasting clients is to watch for common red flags.

“If someone is difficult to deal with during initial discussions, things won’t get better after you’ve signed them on — if they decide to go with you,” she said. “For example, a prospect might take up a lot of your time asking for advice with no signs of moving forward.”

It’s important during any client courtship phase to demonstrate how you can deliver value through your freelance services. However, Chu also suggests you should be aware of how much time is being spent on a client without any concrete arrangements materializing. Knowing the psychology of buying and non-buying behavior can help make it easier to determine whether a prospective client is serious about working with you—and whether the engagement is worth the trouble, she says.

What business trends have caught your attention recently? Tell us about them in the comments below!

The post Perspectives on the Future of Work: May 23 appeared first on Upwork Blog.

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