Upwork recently hosted a live Twitter chat with guest Dave King, CMO of Asana, to discuss how to be more productive. The Upwork Community came together for a lively conversation about productivity, prioritization, and work-life balance. Below are some of our favorite tips and tricks.
Check out the hashtag #UpworkChat for the entire transcript. Thank you to everyone who participated!
1. Where do you believe people lose/waste the most time?
A2 Email is a well known productivity killer. It allows other people to prioritize your time – if you let it #UpworkChat
— Dave King (@dbkinger) August 17, 2017
A2 “Cave of ambiguous commitments” is all conversations where it’s unclear who is doing what by when. I lived in that cave once #UpworkChat
— Dave King (@dbkinger) August 17, 2017
A2: Meetings! Come prepared with a firm agenda and don't get into the small talk! People want to hustle hard #upworkchat
— Trevor Carss (@TrevorCarss) August 17, 2017
A2: First & foremost, by failing to have an hourly, daily, weekly, and annual plan of success. You must plan each unit of time #upworkchat
— Matt Keener (@ExecInSweats) August 17, 2017
A2: Social media, email, procrastinating, lack of focus & daily goals #upworkchat
— Daniel Futerman (@DanielFuterman) August 17, 2017
Aside: For those who struggle with social media distractions, https://t.co/0C6VDyVInh is a great resource. #upworkchat
— Alexia Nielsen (@lea210) August 17, 2017
2. How do you start your day off on the right track?
A3 I believe a productive day starts the night before. I take 5 mins before bed to identify my big rock for the next day #UpworkChat
— Dave King (@dbkinger) August 17, 2017
A3 My “big rock” is the single, most important thing for me to do the next day. I identify it, commit, and then go to sleep #UpworkChat
— Dave King (@dbkinger) August 17, 2017
A3 Now I work on my big rock first thing, when my serotonin levels are highest. Lifehack from neuro researcher Baba Shiv #UpworkChat
— Dave King (@dbkinger) August 17, 2017
A3: My morning ritual starts with coffee and quiet time that I use to reflect on goals for the day and organizing my to-do list. #UpworkChat
— Melanie Feltham (@MelanieFeltham) August 17, 2017
3. How do you structure your workday to make it the most productive?
A4 My teammate @rosenstein gives an amazing, in-depth, and detailed guide for his methods here: https://t.co/p0CguLeBjE #UpworkChat
— Dave King (@dbkinger) August 17, 2017
A4 Multi-tasking may be the cigarette smoke of our generation. When I start multi-tasking I know my productivity is shot #UpworkChat
— Dave King (@dbkinger) August 17, 2017
A4 I calendar time for creative work in the morning. Then calendar work blocks for email and ad hoc stuf in the afternoon #UpworkChat
— Dave King (@dbkinger) August 17, 2017
A4) Setting the most urgent and important tasks to be done first so that I can deal with them at my peak energy. #UpworkChat
— Osama (@Analysto) August 17, 2017
A4: I break my day into 45 min blocks and assign work to them. Allow 10 mins between work blocks for rest/emails. #upworkchat
— David Shaw (@davidshawblog) August 17, 2017
4. How do you organize your to-do list?
A5 in @asana (goes without saying). I have space for my family to dos and my work to dos all in the same app #upworkchat
— Dave King (@dbkinger) August 17, 2017
A5 Content: I use a moleskin notebook, Evernote, and Gsuite for ideas and content. Helps me to write things out #upworkchat
— Dave King (@dbkinger) August 17, 2017
A5: Because my morning most often interrupted, 90 min blocks, every project, furthest deadline to nearest deadline. #UpworkChat
— Michel Vaillancourt (@MichelV69) August 17, 2017
A5: List of tasks (sorted by client & priority level). Reminder of ongoing tasks. Things to keep track of. #upworkchat http://pic.twitter.com/5p2TLPyWJU
— Daniel Futerman (@DanielFuterman) August 17, 2017
5. How do you manage priorities when you have a million things on your to-do list?
A6 “Managing priorities” is really about committing to a prioritization framework. I start with big rocks, then the urgent #UpworkChat
— Dave King (@dbkinger) August 17, 2017
A6: I remove the 999,995 other distractions and get those 5 major tasks done. The key is to never get bogged down by too much. #upworkchat
— Trevor Carss (@TrevorCarss) August 17, 2017
A6: Work always comes first, especially time sensitive work. I clear my head and focus on meet the expectations of my clients. #UpworkChat
— Gabrielle Seunagal (@ClassySnobbb) August 17, 2017
A6 – If the project is long and complex, it is good to get another freelancer to help you in small tasks. #UpworkChat
— Vanessa Tyler (@Van_Tyler) August 17, 2017
6. What is the best way to deal with distractions?
A7 Trillions of dollars has gone into finding the best way to distract us. Few people have enough willpower to deal with it #upworkchat
— Dave King (@dbkinger) August 17, 2017
A7 My friend and habit expert @nireyal taught me the importance of designing my environment to avoid distractions #upworkchat
— Dave King (@dbkinger) August 17, 2017
A7 Another distraction for me is the cognitive burden of thinking about those million things to do. I write them all down #upworkchat
— Dave King (@dbkinger) August 17, 2017
A7: Certain distractions like social media help me pace myself without getting burned out. I listen to music while I write. #UpworkChat
— Gabrielle Seunagal (@ClassySnobbb) August 17, 2017
A7: Set everything to DND. #upworkchat http://pic.twitter.com/XVGJOlXlwc
— Daniel Futerman (@DanielFuterman) August 17, 2017
7. How do you motivate yourself to complete tasks you dislike doing?
A8 My colleague @rosenstein has great thoughts on his own procrastination challenges https://t.co/lukklNKwYh #upworkchat
— Dave King (@dbkinger) August 17, 2017
A8 Often we procrastinate because the first step seems too big. Key question is, what’s the tiniest possible first step? #upworkchat
— Dave King (@dbkinger) August 17, 2017
.@Upwork #UpworkChat #a8 intrinsic motivation. When it's done, it's done. I no longer have to deal w it. Lol
— Robin Bull (@TheRobinBull) August 17, 2017
A8: Reward system. "Do the thing, get the treat". It's Pavlovian, or Skinner-Box, but it works.#UpworkChat
— Michel Vaillancourt (@MichelV69) August 17, 2017
A8: think about the next fun task I get to afterward #upworkchat
— Daniel Futerman (@DanielFuterman) August 17, 2017
A8: I make lists for everything. Even if I don't like the task, I still feel good when I get to check it off my list #upworkchat
— Kathryn Elaine (@kathrynelainewh) August 17, 2017
8. What is your favorite mental reset technique for when fatigue sets in?
A9 Asana CEO @moskov has a great article on preventing fatigue called "the work-rest fractal" https://t.co/oNSMsaFPIr. Spot on. #upworkchat
— Dave King (@dbkinger) August 17, 2017
A9 I try to minimize carbs and sugars. I also use a standing desk and take the stairs to get blood flowing during the day #upworkchat
— Dave King (@dbkinger) August 17, 2017
Close the laptop, draw a bath and pour some wine. #UpworkChat
— SL Thomas (@BeautyBiche) August 17, 2017
A9) Walking around for 15-20 minutes would help with mental fatigue #UpworkChat
— Osama (@Analysto) August 17, 2017
A9: A walk. I'm fortunate to live on a beautiful property.
A change of music theme helps, sometimes, too. #UpworkChat— Michel Vaillancourt (@MichelV69) August 17, 2017
A9: Do a bit of work around the house. Some chores. Soon gets you wanting to go back to work. #upworkchat
— David Shaw (@davidshawblog) August 17, 2017
9. How can you set up your office for maximum productivity?
A10 Go minimal. Standing desk, screen, notebook, nothing else. #upworkchat
— Dave King (@dbkinger) August 17, 2017
A10: Have a dedicated office space. Make it yours. 2. Close the door. #upworkchat Here's my home office space http://pic.twitter.com/GeHgpI82w5
— Daniel Futerman (@DanielFuterman) August 17, 2017
#upworkchat #a10 I'm lucky enough to have a dedicated office at home. It has a dark wood desk, beautiful lamps, book case full of old bks
— Robin Bull (@TheRobinBull) August 17, 2017
the largest computer monitors you can possible find #Upworkchat
— Stefan Hayden
(@StefanHayden) August 17, 2017
10. What is your top hack for maintaining #WorkLifeBalance?
A11 I love this cultural commitment to “work hard; live well”: https://t.co/pYeaFxmM6Y #upworkchat
— Dave King (@dbkinger) August 17, 2017
A11 I decide my non-negotiables. Family, health, work. I pick my kids up from school and am offline until after they go to bed #upworkchat
— Dave King (@dbkinger) August 17, 2017
A11: Work in a room you don't live in. Don't work in your bedroom/living room. Assign an area for work only! #upworkchat
— David Shaw (@davidshawblog) August 17, 2017
.@Upwork #a11 #UpworkChat there's not true balance when you work from home. So be present. When time to work, focus. Time for family, focus.
— Robin Bull (@TheRobinBull) August 17, 2017
A11: Have office hours. Tell your customers what they are. Keep customers that respect them. Respect yourself by keeping them. #UpworkChat
— Michel Vaillancourt (@MichelV69) August 17, 2017
A11: Taking healthy food and Yoga for fitness.#upworkchat
— ♏PalashKumarDaw
(@impkdaw) August 17, 2017
Put these productivity tips into action for you and you’ll be on your way to saving time, working more efficiently, and striking a better work/life balance.
Don’t miss our next Twitter chat in October. Stay tuned to the hashtag #UpworkChat for more details on when it’s happening and what we’ll be discussing.
We hope to see you next time!
The post 50 Productivity Tips from the #UpworkChat with Asana appeared first on Upwork Blog.
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