Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The Do’s and Don’ts of Online Business Communication

Question: The Do’s and Don’ts of Online Business Communication

Working with people online can be very different from working with people in person. Being a global marketplace, clients and freelancers on Upwork connect with each other from thousands of miles away—as well as across borders and cultures—making the nuances of interpersonal communication difficult to pick up.

For this reason, being a successful remote worker is tied to the ability to communicate clearly, and professionally, across a variety of communication platforms.

How can you ensure your message is received the way it was intended? We asked our Facebook community to describe the do’s and don’ts of online communication. This is what they had to say.

“We should be clear and honest with our clients. Always share views and suggestions regarding the project and how to make it run successfully.”
Sandeep Raina

“I believe that it starts with good writing. Never use social media style writing to communicate with a client. Maintain professionalism, and keep it brief—‘less is more.’ End all communication with clearly defined next steps. I always begin a project with a phone or Skype conversation. So much can be conveyed in a personal conversation. Not everyone is savvy or skilled at expressing themselves through the written word.”
Belinda Johnson Bernhard

“Empathise…put yourself in the client’s position….what is most important to him/her? Then tailor your communication with that in mind.”
— Tony Haynes

“Do’s: Follow instructions. Be upfront and raise any questions you have with the project. Always be polite and open to criticism (constructive). Meet their expectations, be professional, be there. Put yourself in their shoes, but make them see your stand on an issue. Reply immediately. Don’ts: Impolite, rude, or aggressive behavior. Don’t talk too much—learn to listen. Avoid being late for a scheduled meeting. Do not ignore their feedback, it is very important.”
Hazel Ramos

For more great tips on how to communicate effectively with clients, see Communication Is Key for Online Work. For more info on working with freelancers, check out How to Become a Freelancer’s Favorite Client.

Editor’s note: Responses edited for grammar, spelling, and clarity. The statements above are those of their authors and do not constitute the views or opinions of Upwork.

The post The Do’s and Don’ts of Online Business Communication appeared first on Upwork Blog.

from Upwork Blog http://ift.tt/1NP1O5E

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